



PGR Community

If you are a prospective student seeking information about PhD study at 果冻影院 History, you can find out more through the online prospectus?or by visiting our prospective students' page. Any additional questions can be directed to the PGR administrator, Oana Borlea, or to the graduate tutor, Prof?Jason Peacey.?

Current PGR Students

Waseem Ahmed
'Our Blessed Republic: Everyday Politics in Revolutionary England, 1649-1660'?

Stephanie Ashton-Sanchez
'The local shapes the nation: collective identity in Colombia, 1880-1930'

Dogukan Atmaca
'The Displacement of the Jewish Communities and Islamization of Ottoman Constantinople (1650-1685), History

Ilyas Azouzi
'E42: The Fascist claim for universal authority'

Christopher Batten?
'Class and Civilian Internment in the British Empire during the First World War'

Simon Bralee
Anubis in the Greek and Roman World?

Joshua Britton
'Individual agency and cultural interaction during the kārum period in central Anatolia (20th-18th centuries BCE)'

Raul Burgos Pinto
'Beyond nostalgia: transnational conservatism in Chile, 1932-1973'

Nicolás Camino??
'Political Thought in Latin America during the early Cold War: A view beyond diffusionist approaches'

Tom Campbell-Moffat
The value of AD 476: Charting the end of the western Roman state

José Manuel Castro
‘Intellectuals, politics and ideology in the era of revolutions. Chile 1964-1980’

Genevieve Caulfield?
Can we believe our own eyes? Optics, vision and cognition in late medieval religion

Patchaviral Charoenpacharaporn
'A perspective from the south: a comparative Cold War history of India and Thailand'

Rachel Chua?
‘Virtuous Reality: Confucian Ideals and Women’s Agency in Late Imperial China'

Jessica Clarke
‘The politics of entertainment: Roman theatre in the late Republic’

Isaac Crichlow
'Black Troops and Resistance: Movement Control and Freedom in the Revolutionary Caribbean, 1795-1840'

Antonia Dalivalle
‘The Grand Detour: James Bruce of Kinnaird (1730-1794) and the Reception of Ethiopia in Enlightenment Europe’

Rebecca Daly
Models of Female Integration in Koan Religion

Andrea Dimitri
'The Radical Individualities: Max Stirner and French Individualism'

Nadia Dobrianska
‘The Troubles during Partition. Representations of the inter-communal conflict in Northern Ireland in 1920-1922 in Irish and British political discourse’

Steven Driver
Destiny and Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Policy and Religion during the Occupation Era c.1912-1934?

Ellen Durban
Marriage, Motherhood, and Divorce of Women Who Desired Women in England (1945-1999)

Saffron East
'The Indian Workers' Association, Southall Black Sisters, and "Black" politics in 1970s Britain'

Francesca Edgerton
“The Lighthouse of America”: Political exiles and the myth of the Mexican Revolution?

Thomas Fleming?
'Religious Bodies: Refiguring Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the Early/Modern'

Jack Ford
'The five senses and "affectivity" in the late Middle Ages'

Vincent Fourcade
''"? πεζ? στρατι? κα? τ? ναυτικ?ν": reintegrating the navy into Ancient Greek warfare, 499-362 BC'

Karolina Frank
'The Oracle of Dodona: the socio-economic aspects of oracular consultation

Aidan Fusco
“Words and Things in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes”.

Finnian Gleeson
'Heritage, Politics and Identity in East London: Towards a History of Imperial Memory, 1973-2008.'

Nathan Goh
'Free trade and the breakdown of racial hierarchies in the British colonial mind-set, 1819-1869'

Alex Good
'The cult of Lazarus in Europe (c.1100 - c.1300)'

Shaun Harbinson?
More than a Garrison: The Primacy of Gibraltar within Britain’s Mediterranean Empire, 1763-1830

Alex Hill
‘The Politics of the Future in Britain, 1940-1985’

Caitlin John
‘Cities of the Living and the Dead: Cemeteries in Late Medieval Cairo, Paris and Beyond’

Luis Fernando Bernardi Junqueira (林友樂)
'The Science of the Spirit: Psychical Research, Healthcare and the Revival of the Occult in a Modernising China, 1900–1949'

Aleksandra Kaye
'Mapping the Polish knowledge network in nineteenth-century Latin America'

Nora Lessersohn?
'The Sultan of New York: Christopher Oscanyan and the Politics of Being Armenian in Nineteenth-Century America (1818-1895)'

Rong Li
The foreign trade and economy of ancient Corinth during the Archaic period.?

Yanyi Liu
The French Communist Party and Hollywood Films: A Study of Political and Cultural Interactions (1944-1956)

Joshua Madrid
English Catholics in the Second World War: Understanding the Social and Cultural Roles of Religion in Modern Warfare

Stephen Mallet
‘The business of smuggling across the English Channel in the Eighteenth Century: Anglo-French comparisons.'

Gregory Mansi
'Imperium Infinitum: L. Cornelius Sulla and his redefiniition of Imperium as the Precident for the Development of the Augustan Principate. 82-19 BCE.'

Peter Morgan
'Bolívarian Moments: Anti-Imperialism in the Shadow of Empire during the Spanish American Wars of Independence’

Yoko Onodera
‘Policing and the Growth of Government in Britain, 1820-1868’

Becca Palmer
In the “Little Spheres” of the Empire: A conceptual analysis of provincial political thought during the American Revolution.?

Chloe Pieters
'The First World War and the making of the modern family in Belgium and Britain'

Borbala Pigler
Empire against Melancholy: Healing the Body Politic in Britain, c. 1558–1630

Sameema Rahman
?'The Figure of the Refugee in 1970s Britain'?

Hugo Raine
'Political Thinking in Communal Italy, 1250-c.1300'

Darren Reid?
Indigenous and Settler Correspondence with the Aborigines' Protection Society: Negotiating Imperialism from within Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand, 1850-1900

Samuel Sigere
'Felicitas: the relationship between the divine and the Roman community'

Vanessa Da Silva Baptista
‘A Cultural History of Magic Tricks in the Late Middle Ages’

Holly Smith
‘Up in the Air: High-Rise Housing and the Public in Post-War Britain’

Pablo Ernesto Soffia Palma?
'Decolonising Historicism: Theories and Methods of History in Nineteenth-Century Spanish America'

Caroline Streek?
'Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach and the political influence within her female household 1714-1737'

Sadie Sunderland-Rhoads
“Patriots or Paychecks? Irish Catholic recruitment into the British Army for service during the American Revolution”

Jorge Varela Yepes?
Liberal thought in comparative perspective: the cases of Colombia and Chile, 1820-1880.

G. Vaughn Joy
'A Cold War Christmas: Political and Cultural Perceptions in Hollywood's America'

Deborah Woolf
'A study of the guest and host relationship and its applications in Chinese Medicine'

James Worth?
Carvings, Codices, and Material Cultures: Belief, Communal Identities, and the competition for Local Power in early-medieval Italy, c. 535-774?

Yi Yang
'A transnational history of the Five-Element Acupuncture (五行針灸, wuxing zhenjiu) 1970s-2010s: cross-cultural pursuit of an "authentic" acupuncture in Britain and China.'

Recently Completed PhDs

Catherine Beck
'Patronage in the Royal Navy, 1776-1815' (October 2017)

Melissa Benson
'Violence in the Behistun monument: construction and cohesion of Achaemenid imperial rule under Darius I (522-519 BCE)'

Alys Beverton
'Perceptions of Mexico in US political discourse, 1863-1896'

Alessandro De Arcangelis
'Hegelians on the Slopes of Vesuvius: A Transnational Study in the Intellectual History of Naples, 1799-1861'

DeAnn Deluna
'War and Peace and English Taxation, 1660-1664'

Natalia Gándara Chacana
'Imperial and republican images of the Chilean Sea, from the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century'

Cristina González Mestre
'Military settlements in Western Asia Minor during the early Hellenistic period: topography, agency and identity within the Macedonian framework.'

Matt Griffin
'The environmental imagination and mid-nineteenth-century American politics'

Anastazja Grudnicka
‘Being a Catholic in the House of Austria: The Religious Formation of Matthias Habsburg, 1557-1612’?

Johannes Hartmann
'The German Notgeld, 1914-1924'

Alfred Hinrichsen-Herrera
'The frontiers of Chilean nationalism: foreigners, indigenous people, and neighbours, 1840-1930'

Shane Horwell
'Taxation in British economic and political thought, 1733-1816'

Chaitanya Kanchan
'Empire's Inner Theatre: Interiority and Assyrian Administration 745-669 BC'

Shiru Lim
'Philosophical kingship in Enlightenment Europe: Frederick II, Catherine II, and their correspondence with the philosophes'

Ryan Low
'New questions about an old inquisitor: the life and works of Bernard Gui'

Hélène Maloigne
'Describing and depicting the Ancient Near East in interwar Britain'

Mario Maritan
'Inter-ethnic relations and dynastic loyalty in Habsburg Trieste from 1848 to 1867'

Amy Miller
'The globe-trotter on the Eastern Grand Tour, 1870-1920'

Brooke Palmieri
'Compelling Reading: The Circulation of Quaker Texts'

Sotirios Christos Peithis
'Tactical and strategic communications in Ancient Greek warfare'

Beatrice Pestarino
'The political-administrative structure in Cyprus during the Archaic and Classical periods'

Mark Power Smith
'The "Young America" movement: American nationalism and the natural law tradition, 1844-1861'

Grace Redhead
'The history of sickle cell anaemia in postwar Britain'

Jack David Sargeant
'The aesthetics of politics in the English Revolution'

Andrew Short
To Spread Abroad the Gospel’: The Home Missionary Enterprise in Gilded Age America, 1870-1902'?

Francesco Strocchi
'Author and authorship: Caesar and his editors'

Xueyan (Juno) Sun
'Representations of Chinese in Hollywood films from the 1930s to the 1990s'

David Tiedemann
'Britain and the United States at the World's Fairs, 1851-1893'

Kevin Tuffnell
'"A Just and Honourable Peace"': the negotiation of the Treaty of Utrecht in British politics and political discourse, 1708 to 1713'

Marjolein van Bavel
'The narratives of British women who posed for?Playboy?magazine between the 1960s and the 1990s'?(April 2018)

Nashuyuan Serenity Wang
'Psycho-geography and the travels of the suffering female body in the 21st century Chinese cinema of dislocation'

Joseph Whitchurch
'Revenge and state formation in Ancient Greece'

Roderick White
'Locus Classicus: Origin Brands in Ancient Rome c. 100 BC-c. AD 130'

Benedict Wiedemann
'Papal Overlordship and protectio of the King, c.1000-1300'

Dolly Yang
'An exploration of the significance of the Daoyin [therapeutic, 'leading and guiding'] exercises in Zhubing Yuanhou Lun'

Agata Zielinska
'Territorialization, the Papacy and the Institutions of the Polish Church, 1198-1357'

'Territorial loss and moral affliction at the time of the Crusades'