
Ann Moxham

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


  1. Likely to be the same Ann Moxham (nee Smith) of Kingston, married to William Moxham 27/11/1817. Ann Moxham was born in Jamaica but little is known of her early life. In the 1829 baptism record of her daughter she is recorded as being 'free', which suggests she was a person of colour. Baptism records record William and Ann had at least 5 children whilst in Jamaica; 2 boys and 3 girls, and it is likely another son, Robert Hale Moxham, was born in Kingston around 1836/37. He subsequently left Jamaica to settle in Britain.

  2. In the 1823 Slave Register, Jane Frances Clarke, owner of Hampstead Park Penn (St Andrew), purchased and registered seven slaves in her role as trustee to Ann Moxham. She registered them again on her property in 1826 but in the Slave Register return for 1829 (filed under the name of Ann's husband William Moxham) 8 enslaved persons had been moved to the parish of St John to live with the Moxhams. By 1832 Ann was resident again in Kingston, where she filed a return for 3 enslaved persons, whilst William remained in St John, listed in the Slave Register as being 'completely insane'. By 1836 the couple were both resident in Kingston. William returned to Cudham, Kent before 1841 but no information is available for Ann's subsequent life, although it appears she did not accompany him back to Britain.


  1. Jamaica Family Search, List of Jamaican Manumissions of 1825 in the Public Records Office (3) ; Jamaica Family Search, Families from Registers & Wills,

  2. Slave Register 1823, T71/90, p. 101; Slave Register 1826, T71/131, p.143; Slave Register 1829, T71/24, p. 156; Slave Register 1832 T71/116, p. 292; Slave Register 1832, T71/18, p. 163.

We are grateful to Mary Mcloughlin for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

William Moxham
5 children

Associated Claims (1)

£59 13s 1d

Relationships (2)

Beneficiary of Trust → Trustee
Wife → Husband