
William Moxham

4th Jun 1792 - 27th Jan 1843


  1. William Moxham husband of Ann Moxham of Kingston (q.v.). Born in London but travelled to Jamaica before 1817, when he married Ann Smith, most likely a free person of colour, in Kingston. William and Ann had five children, who are recorded as being baptised at the Baptist church Kingston, and another son Robert Hale Moxham born around 1836/37 and who subsequently returned to Britain.

  2. In the 1829 Slave Register he filed returns in the parish of St John that listed him as owner of 8 enslaved persons in right of Ann his wife. However, by 1832 it appears the couple were living apart; Ann in Kingston, whilst William remained in St John. His return listed only one enslaved person, James a 54 year old creole, who had died of smallpox since the last return. The return states 'Ann Moxham owner and agent to her husband' who is listed as being 'completely insane'. William made no claim for compensation upon emancipation, although his wife did claim for three people.

  3. William Moxham returned to Britain before his death and is listed in the 1841 census as living in Cudham, Kent, but there is no mention of his wife or children. He died of 'paralysis' (although this was on occasion used as a cover for syphilis) in 1843.


  1. Jamaica Family Search, List of Jamaican Manumissions of 1825 in the Public Records Office (3) ; Jamaica Family Search, Families from Registers & Wills, , [accessed 14/7/2015].

  2. Slave Register 1823, T71/90, p. 101; Slave Register 1829, T71/24, p. 156; Slave Register 1832 T71/116, p. 292; Slave Register 1832, T71/18, p. 163.

  3. 1841 census, accessed through Ancestry.co.uk ; Moxham Family of Ireland , unsourced family history website, [accessed 14/7/2015].

We are grateful to Mary Mcloughlin for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Ann Moxham

Relationships (2)

Other relatives
Husband → Wife