
Alexander Renny

No Dates


Alexander Renny was partner with Robert Taylor (q.v.) in the London West India merchant firm Taylor, Renny & Hughan until 1805. Taylor and Hughan were slave-traders; Alexander Renny reportedly excluded himself from ownership of the ships [or voyages?] engaged in this part of the business. To date his relationship to Alexander Renny Tailyour (previously Alexander Renny) of Borrowfield Kincardineshire (whose will was proved 30/03/1849) has not been confirmed: they were possibly the same man, an identification supported by the presence in the Tailyour papers of correspondence with Alexander Renny Tailyour between 1805 and 1811.


PROB 11/2090/279; the exclusion of Renny from the slave-trading ships is shown in PLANTATION LIFE IN THE CARIBBEAN Part 1: Jamaica, c.1765颅-1848: The Taylor and Vanneck颅Arcedekne Papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London DETAILED LISTING (Reels 8颅17) (The Taylor Family Papers from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London), accessed 23/10/2018] Tailyour Family Papers, University of Michigan,'Tailyour, Alexander Renny, 10 October 1806-2 December 1811 (24 items)', [accessed 23/10/2018].

Further Information


Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Taylor, Renny & Hughan
West India merchant  
notes →
Slave-traders and West India...

Relationships (2)

Business partners
Business partners