
William Feuilleteau

???? - 1802


Formerly of St Kitts, signatory of the 1783 address to George III by absentee planters and merchants. Son of Lewis Feuilleteau, whose will was proved 26/05/1775.

  1. Will of William Feuilleteau of Clapham Surrey [made in 1800] proved 12/07/1802. Under the will he left 拢6500 Bank Stock in trust for the benefit of the Rev. Thomas Sampson of Clapham and Sampson's wife Margaret, and their children: he also specified that Sampson should become the next incumbent at the parish of Groton or Growton in Suffolk of which he held the patronage. His trustees were John Willett Willett of Merley, Dorset; Feuilleteau's nephew Lewis William Brouncker; and Rev. Francis Wilson clerk. He left annuities of 拢60 p.a. to his nephew William Wilson and 拢100 p.a to Miss Ann Strewin [Steward?] 'now residing with me.' Among other monetary legacies he left 拢1000 each to: Rev. Francis Wilson [identified in this passage as his nephew]; his [half] sister Mrs Susanna[h] Stanley (q.v.); his niece Mary Finch the widow of William Finch; and to his six grand-nieces and nephews the daughters and sons of his deceased nephew Richard Wilson. He left his real estate to his nephew Lewis William Brouncker and great-nephew William Brouncker. His residuary legatees as equal tenants in common were his [half] sister Susannah Stanley, his nephews Lewis William Brouncker and Francis Wilson, and his great-nephew John Wilson. In a codicil of 1802 he stripped Francis Wilson of his share in the residuary estate and redistributed it to the other three heirs. In a second codicil the same year, he left his estate at Hartford in Huntingdonshire to his nephew Lewis William Brounkcer, and left legacies of 拢250 each to (1) Henry Feuilleteau of the island of St Christopher, 'son of my late negro woman Pareen [sp?]', to be paid to Henry's wife Elizabeth on account of Henry's occasional derangement, and (2) George Feuilleteau of St Christopher, another son of Pareen.


London Gazette 12422 11/03/1783 p. 2; PROB 11/1007/376.

  1. PROB 11/1377/190. The will is indexed online by TNA as 'William Feuilletean.' Online genelaogical sources suggest that not only Henry and George Feuilleteau but also Margaret Sampson were natural children of William Feuilleteau.

Further Information


Relationships (6)

Half-brother → Half-sister
Notes →
Susanna Stanley was also co-residuary heir of her half-brother's...
Uncle → Nephew
Notes →
Uncle → Nephew
Son → Father
Testator → Legatee
Notes →
Rev. Thomas Sampson was also probably the son-in-law of William Feuilleteau. His wife Margaret, given as Margaret Feuilleteau on their marriage at St Mary Putney 24/10/1787, was reportedly the...

Addresses (1)

Clapham, Surrey, South-east England , England