

Institute of Immunity and Transplantation


NK T-cell lymphoma



Our six research programmes are contained within three Clusters:

Cluster 1: Immune tolerance

Immune regulation

Our goal is to better understand immune regulation at a cellular and molecular level, apply this knowledge to clinical conditions, and develop strategies to correct defective regulation with new biological therapies.


We study the nature of immune responses in liver and renal transplant patients. We also study immune stimulation to develop tolerance-inducing interventions to prevent immune attack and rejection.

Cluster 2: Immunotherapy

Cancer immunity

We research the mechanisms of cancer immunity and cancer-induced tolerance in patients and in experimental models. Genetic engineering of immune cells provides and opportunity to produce cancer-specific T cells that are resistant to cancer-induced immune suppression.

Viral immunity

Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus and HIV is associated with defective immunity. Uncovering the mechanisms of immune deviation provides a platform for developing immune enhancing therapies to achieve viral immunity in chronic infection.

Cluster 3: Inherited disease

Inherited diseases

We delivered the first successful gene therapy for haemophilia B using AAV based gene delivery. This work has provided a strong basis to expand this form of gene therapy to other conditions.

Immune deficiency

We focus on improving early diagnosis and therapy of primary immunodeficiency by joining detailed genomic analysis, mechanistic immune function studies and comprehensive clinical data.