

You Shape ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº


Survey results show improvements in every area of student experience

25 January 2022

The 2021-22 Student Experience Survey, ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's annual survey of penultimate year undergraduates, shows encouraging results across all categories.

Three students, smiling with coffees

The ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Student Experience Survey (SES)ÌýoffersÌýpenultimate year undergraduates the chance to score and give open-text feedback about their experience so far.

The SES is a particularly valuable source of student feedback as departments can review and respond to issues raised in the results and comments before these studentsÌýhave finished their programme.Ìý

Response rate

More than 1,000 ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº students completed the survey between 15 November and 17 December 2021. This is a higher overall turnout than last year’s survey, although the response rate has declined slightly year-on-year to 15% ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº-wide.

Improvements in all areas

The trends in ¹û¶³Ó°Ôºâ€™s results were overwhelmingly positive, with scores improving for eachÌýof the themes:

  • Overall SatisfactionÌýclimbed to 79% (an increase of seven percentage points since last year)
  • Satisfaction withÌýTeachingÌýclimbed to 79% (up one point year-on-year)
  • Satisfaction withÌýLearning OpportunitiesÌýclimbed to 76% (up four points)
  • Satisfaction withÌýAssessment and FeedbackÌýclimbed to 63% (up 10 points)
  • Satisfaction withÌýAcademic SupportÌýrose to 73% (up seven points)
  • Satisfaction withÌýOrganisation and ManagementÌýalso reached 73% (up four points)
  • Satisfaction withÌýLearning ResourcesÌýrose to 83% (up 14 points)
  • Students’ satisfaction with theirÌýLearning CommunityÌýclimbed to 64% (up 12 points)
  • Satisfaction withÌýStudent VoiceÌýopportunities and impact rose to 61% (up one point)

We're especially pleased to report that ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº-wide scores forÌýTeaching,ÌýAssessment and Feedback,ÌýAcademic Support, andÌýOrganisation and ManagementÌýare now higher than scores before theÌýpandemic. While there is always room for further improvement, these increased scores recognise the incredible efforts by staff to provide a rich academic experience amid ongoing uncertainty and reflect positively on our approach to educationÌýthis year.

Last year's survey took place inÌýFebruary-March 2021 when lockdown-enforced closures of libraries and learning resources were in place.ÌýSome of the improved scores, particularly the sharp rises inÌýLearning ResourcesÌýandÌýLearning CommunityÌýresults may reflectÌýour community's excitement at being back on campus.Ìý

A large increase in Assessment and Feedback scores coincides with widespread use of online exams and the introduction of theÌýAssessment¹û¶³Ó°Ôº platformÌýfor centrally-managed assessments last year. Analysis of the open text comments will provide a clearer picture of what part this as played in the 10-point improvement.Ìý

Download the full survey results

You canÌýdownload the full SES 2021-22 resultsÌýat department, faculty and programme levels (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº log-in required).

Anonymised open text comments from the survey will be shared with the relevant academic departments and support services in February, to help them understand some of the reasons behind these numerical results.

How we use these results

SES results can be discussed in Staff-Student Consultative Committees and also form part of the data set for the Annual Student Experience Review (ASER) in each academic department.

Some departments and faculties also follow-up on the survey with focus groups to discuss the SES results and how to make further improvements in partnership with students. Read more aboutÌýhow your feedback is shaping ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº.Ìý

Find more opportunities toÌýmake your voice heardÌýandÌýhelp shape your education and student experience.

Final year undergraduate student? Complete the NSS!

The 2022ÌýNational Student SurveyÌýis now open until 30 April for all final-year undergraduates.