

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Urban Laboratory


Session 7 - Lilongwe

Contesting & Negotiating Global Urban Processes in Lilongwe, Malawi

By Evance Mwathunga

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Originally conceived as Malawi’s garden city with modernist ambitions of order, zoning andÌý segregation, the city of Lilongwe continues to be haunted by rising urbanisation and contestations overÌý space. Thus, Lilongwe city continues to be a space and site of struggle between global and localÌý processes; ambiguities between formal and informal governance processes. This paper attempts toÌý explore how urban landscapes in Lilongwe are being created as well as being contested while focusingÌý on the impact of transnational and global processes on the production of new urban territories withÌý respect to three circuits namely: sovereign investments; private sector investments; and developmentÌý circuits. Specifically, the paper analyses the city’s strategy as a conceived space to understand theÌý policy discourses, conceptions, imaginations and local government capacity and/or incapacities andÌý transnational influences in the production of new urban territories and engagement in the globalÌý processes. Thereafter, the paper investigates how these global processes vis-à-vis localised urbanÌý processes in relation to large scale urban developments impact on urban residents and the urbanÌý morphology.

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