

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº UCU


Jo McNeill Biography

Vice President candidate


  • President, University of Liverpool UCU – 5 years
  • NEC member – 5 years
  • National Negotiator (HE) – 2 years
  • Chair of ROCC (Recruitment, Organising & Campaigns Committee)
  • Member of National UCU Strategy & Finance Committee (SFC) and Statutes, Ordinances & Rules Group (SORG)
  • UCU Left Candidate

When I ran against Sally Hunt as General Secretary, I said UCU needed to change, that change came with the historic USS dispute. However, the leadership of UCU still leaves a lot to be desired.

I want UCU to be democratic, transparent and accessible to all. On a local level I run a member led branch, I want to see members leading UCU nationally. I have always believed this is our UCU.

I am tired of the passivity of some NEC members. Our union became re-energized last year, my intention is to maintain that enthusiasm with effective industrial strategies and consistent member engagement.

Our sector is under attack, increases in casualisation, gender and BAME pay gap, ridiculous workloads, excessive performance management, grade drift, our pay, our pensions... the list goes on! We need a strong, collective, campaigning union which we know can make a difference.

Vote for me as Vice President and I’ll move our union in the direction members want.