
ӰԺ School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Российская независимая журналистика превращается в партизанщину?

21 November 2018, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm

Roman Osharov

Is Russian independent journalism turning guerrilla? This talk will be in Russian

This event is free.

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16 Taviton Street

Российские СМИ чрезвычайно важны для Кремля. Они преподносят российской общественности информацию о внутренней политике и распространяют создаваемый Кремлем имидж России по всему миру. Поэтому власти осуществляют жесткий контроль над СМИ, особенно над телевидением - главным средством коммуникации Кремля.

В этой лекции Роман Ошаров исследует состояние российских печатных и онлайн СМИ и перспективы независимой журналистики в условиях постоянных препон свободе прессы в России.

Russia’s media is of paramount importance to the Kremlin. It communicates the Kremlin’s domestic policies and projects the desired image of Russia in the world to the public. Hence, the control over the media, most importantly the television, which serves as a principal agenda-setter in the country, is firm.

This lecture will examine the state of Russia’s domestic broadcast, print and online media, and the prospects for independent journalism amidst perennial challenges to press freedom.

Роман Ошаров (Roman Osharov), Academy Associate at Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme

Please note, this talk will be in Russian.

About the Speaker

Роман Ошаров (Roman Osharov)

Academy Associate at Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House

Roman Osharov is an Academy Associate at Chatham House’s Russia and Eurasia Programme. Roman was a Chevening scholar at King’s College London, where he completed a master’s degree in International Relations. Before joining Chatham House, Roman worked as a journalist in Moscow for Voice of America and Republic.ru (formerly Slon.ru), as well as contributing to other news organisations, including the Financial Times. He has also worked in public diplomacy and public affairs roles, as well as provided consultancy services on Russian media environment to the Government of Finland and media development NGOs.   Roman’s research paper on the current state of Russian media is due to be published this year.