
Solar Energy & Advanced Materials Research Group


Prof. Junwang Tang won the Corday-Morgan Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry

14 June 2021

Professor Tang won the Corday-Morgan Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry for the discovery of efficient photocatalysts that can convert solar energy into renewable fuels – an important step towards making society sustainable.


Professor Tang said: “The recognises not only my achievements but more importantly my group members’ contribution to renewable fuel synthesis, as such novel results are a collective contribution from many talented students and postdoctoral researchers working in my group over the past decades.

“I am also very grateful to the RSC as the prize will encourage more researchers to concentrate on this challenging frontier topic and contribute to a sustainable economy and low carbon society.”

Commenting on the individual prize-winners, Dr Helen Pain, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: “From developing vaccines for COVID-19 to continuing to work towards a more sustainable world – the contribution of chemical scientists has never been more tangible or important.

“In a recent review of our recognition portfolio, we committed to ensuring that our prizes reflected the incredible diversity and excellence of chemistry being carried out today. The work of these three winners is a prime example of what we are so passionate about and we are proud to recognise this contribution with this prize.”

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s prizes have recognised excellence in the chemical sciences for more than 150 years.Of those to have won a Royal Society of Chemistry Prize, over 50 have gone on to win Nobel Prizes for their pioneering work.

(Source: ӰԺ news)