

Safety Services


¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Health and Safety Objectives 2015/2016

The health and safety objectives for ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº for the 2015/2016 academic year are stated below.

Heads of Department are required to determine what actions they are to take in order to meet these and their own objectives.

Objective 1

Departments to ensure all newly appointed Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMs) undertake the FEM e-learning module and existing FEMs undertake the e-learning at their next refresher training

Objective 2

Departments to ensure the local arrangements for risk assessments within the department meet the ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Standard on Risk Assessment. The standard will be published following approval by the HSC in January 2016

Objective 3

Departments to have arrangements in place to meet the requirements of the published ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Standards on the Statutory Testing of LEV, Lifting Equipment and Pressure Systems. The standard for the Statutory Testing of LEV systems will be available following approval at the HSC in January 2016.

Objective 4

Departments to have arrangements in place to ensure all controlled materials excluding Euratom (see note 1) are recorded on a departmental register (see note 2) by December 2015 and the register is accurately maintained.

Note 1. Controlled materials are those materials covered by the following legislation

  • Antiterrorism Crime and Security Act 2001. (ATCS s5)
  • Chemical Weapons Convention (implemented in the UK by the Chemical
  • Weapons Convention Act) (CWC).
  • Nuclear Safeguards implemented through the European Commission Regulation (Euratom) 302/2005.
  • The Illicit Drugs Precursor (IDP) Directive 2001.

Note 2. Departmental registers will be held in the Chemical Inventory module in RiskNET which will be available from the end of November 2015

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