

Safety Services


16 Sections of a Safety Data Sheet

ForÌýaÌýSDS to be valid in the UK it must have 16 sections.Ìý​Here is information on how to read and understand the 16 Sections ofÌýaÌýSafety Data Sheet.

How to read and understand the 16 Sections ofÌýanÌýSDS​

All the information withinÌýanÌýSDS will be relevant depending on the circumstances. What informationÌýwill be relevant to you will depend onÌýa number ofÌýfactors including, but not limited to;Ìý​

  • What you are doing with the substance, storage, use or adding to a waste stream​
  • How you are going to use the substance, whether in accordance to the manufacturer’sÌýinstructions, for use in an experiment, or another use such asÌýan art exhibition​
  • The environmental conditions you will be exposing the substance to (temperature, pressureÌýhumidity etc).​

​Some of the information is relevant no matter what, such as the information relating to the correctÌýfirefighting media and accidental release. Although your procedure should prevent theseÌýcircumstances from happening, you must have emergency plans in place using this information.Ìý​

1. Identification of substance /mixture and of the company / undertaking​

This section contains the contact details of :

  • the manufacturer, including emergency contact details.
  • recommended use, if relevant, and any restrictions of use.

Any risk assessment should either confirm that the substance will beÌýused in accordance with this information, or detail what the use is going to be and if the restrictions are not going to be followed.Ìý

Full information on how and why the control measures that will be in place must be listed. Additional information on end-use canÌýbe found in section 7.​

​At ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº, if restrictions are not going to be followed, the risk assessment must be authorised by a senior manager, andÌýany further procedures set by the department in question before the substance can be used in this manner​

2. Hazard identification

There areÌý4 segments of information.​

  1. ​CLP (classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures) are the UK regulations that enforce theÌýUnited Nations’ Globally Harmonised system classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS). It uses 9 pictograms andÌýidentifies the hazards of the chemicals in the state that they are transported in.​
  2. Signal word. After the pictogram may be a signal word (this is optional) that indicates the severity of the warnings. TheÌýlower hazard is ‘Warning’, the higher hazard is ‘Danger’.​
  3. Hazard or H statements have 3 groups about how the substance may harm people.Ìý​
    -ÌýPhysical Hazards H200 - H290, 35 phrases​
    -ÌýHealth Hazards H300 - H373, 38 phases that are used individually and 17 phases that combine 2 or more risks together​
    -ÌýEnvironmental Hazards H400 - H433, 9 phrases​
  4. Precautionary or P statements advise about the storage and use of the substance and has 5 groups;Ìý​
    -ÌýGeneral (standard good practice) P101 - P103, 3 phrasesÌý​
    -ÌýPrevention (lowers the likelihood of exposure) P201 - P284, 34 individual phrases and 2 that combine 2 orÌýmoreÌý​
    -ÌýReponses (lowers the consequences of exposure) P301 - P391, 46 individual phases and 24 phrases thatÌýcombine 2 or more​
    - Storage (safe storage) P401 - P422, 13 individual phrases and 6 phrases that combine 2 or moreÌý​
    -ÌýDisposal P501 - P502, 2 individual phrasesÌý​

H and P phrases replaced the S and R phrases, so if the SDS you are working with uses S or RÌýphases, it will not be the most current version and you should contact the supplier to access theÌýcurrent version.​

3. Composition/information on ingredients​

For mixtures and compounds and other substances, it will list all the ingredients that are consideredÌýhazardous. If the substance is covered by patents or copyright, this information may be incompleteÌýand if you are not using it in accordance with manufactures instructions further communication withÌýthe manufacturer may be necessary. For single-ingredient products it will list the purity and if relevantÌýthe concentration and the solvent used to make the solution.​

4. First Aid Measures​

This section covers basic first aid but not full medical treatment. In the case of exposure yourÌýsupervisor and a first aider must be informed, and if you have any concerns medical advice shouldÌýbe arranged. In addition to this section, section 8 which cover the exposure controls and exposuresÌýlimits should be read. There are 4 sections of information​.

  1. General AdviceÌý- This usually is covered in good practice. Anything that it outside ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº orÌýdepartmental good practise should be highlighted in the risk assessment​.
  2. Advice for contact by the different routes of exposureÌý– This usually is covered in goodÌýpractice. Anything that it outside ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº or departmental good practise should be highlighted in theÌýrisk assessment​.
  3. Symptoms and effectsÌý- Should be considered as part of the risk assessment when considering the consequence of the risk before control measures are in place​.
  4. Notes to the physicianÌý– Must be available to the first aider and other medical professionals. If youÌýwork with an SDS online consider whether access to this information is reliable in an emergency or ifÌýthis information should be recorded in a hard copy somewhere that will be accessible in anÌýemergency.​
5. Fire-fighting measures

This section covers the following information​

  1. Suitable & unsuitable extinguishing media – ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº provide water mist at the point of safety as standard.ÌýIf the SDS recommends anything else, please contact the Fire Safety Team​.
  2. Physical properties that may lead to a fire, flash point, auto-ignition temperature, explosion limits,Ìýoxidising properties and sensitivity to physical shock or static discharge.​
  3. Specific hazards related to fire from the substance​.
  4. Hazardous combustion products​.
  5. Information for firefighters – The seals on standard breathing apparatus is not suitable for manyÌýchemical fires, advice of the best equipment must be available in an emergency for the fire and rescueÌýservice to carry out their own risk assessment.​
6. Accidental release measures​

This information will enable you to ensure that you have the correct spill kit available. The advice covers;​

  1. Personal precautions, including additional PPE, ventilation or the need to remove ignition sources​
  2. If there are additional precautions to ensure that a chemical spill does not develop into a pollutionÌýincident​
  3. Advice on the best clean up materials to be kept in the spill kitsÌý​
7. Handling and storage​

Although it is possible to produce and then immediately destroy a substance in mostÌýcircumstances itÌýis not possible to use a substance without the need to handle and store it.Ìý​

Advice on the precautions to be taken by individuals and good storage. You should highlight any pointsÌýthat are not covered by good practice in the risk assessment​.

Additional information on the specific end-use can be found here.​

8. Exposure controls / personal protection​

The first section is referred to as control parameters. This section provides the information on how theÌýworkplace exposure limits were established if relevant. If the SDS is not written for the UK marketÌýexclusively, care must be taken to note the correct limits for the UK.​

The second section will list the minimum expected engineering controls and PPE standards to beÌýused. The uses of these should be confirmed in the risk assessment and if adjustments have beenÌýmade, include an explanation of why and how the same level of protection has been achieved.Ìý​

If there are workplace exposure limits (WELs) the risk assessment should indicate if healthÌýsurveillance is required and what type.​

9. Physical and chemical properties​

This section covers the properties of the substance in the state that it was transported and theÌýchemical properties in normal environmental conditions (room temperature and standard pressure). ThisÌýmay repeat information that is in the earlier section such as the flashpoint from section 5.

However sectionÌý9 should be checked each time in case the information had been missed from the earlier sections.

10.ÌýStability and reactivity​

Provides information on the substance under normal conditions, the risk assessment should coverÌýwhether the substance will be kept under theseÌýconditions, if not further information may be needed about the stability and reactivity of the substance under the activity’s conditions.​

This section may be able to provide some information on this as it also covers conditions to avoid.​

Other information covered: incompatible material for both storage and reactions, hazardousÌýdecomposition production (from reaction with air, oxygen or water at standard storage conditions) andÌýinformation on other hazardous reactions including hazardous polymerization.​

11.ÌýToxicological information​

This information is used to classifyÌýthe substance for CLP and is why the substance has been assignedÌýcertain H and P phrases. Tests have been carried out aÌýstatedÌýlife formÌýindicating the toxicity of theÌýsubstance by the specified exposure route. For example, the LD50 is the oral dose at which 50%Ìýof theÌýlifeformsÌýwere killed when they ingested the substance.Ìý​

Further information in this section explains the dosage that other harmful effects were assessed at, includingÌýirritancy, sensitization, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, teratogenicity and embryo toxicity, mutagenicityÌýand toxicologically synergistic products.​

Although relevant for work with all hazardous substances, this section must be read and specific controlÌýmeasure to be includedÌýwhen working with biological hazardous substances.Ìý​

12. Ecological information​

PBT andÌývPvBÌýstands for persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic and VERY persistent, VERY bio-accumulative.​

Section 11 covers the harm that the substance can do to the environment, both from gross contamination from aÌýspill and over time if the waste is not treated in the correct stream. This is particularly important for ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº asÌýalthough single disposal through the mains water system may be within acceptable limits, repeated use of thisÌýsystem may have accumulative effects. The risk assessment for any substance before it is brought on to ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºÌýsites must cover the safe and sustainable methods for disposal of both expected waste and accidental waste,Ìýincluding decomposition products.Ìý​

13. Disposal information​

Disposal information should cover the correct methods that the substance can be sent to the waste stream,Ìýincluding suitable and unsuitable methods of treatment of the substance and items that are contaminated withÌýthe substance. Due to the range of legislation that this covers and local rules that may be in place, alwaysÌýchecks with a supervisor to ensure that the information is correct for your specific waste and area.ÌýÌý​

14.ÌýTransport information​

Under UK law, the transport of hazardous substances is covered by the carriage of dangerous goods by road, rail, inlandÌýwaterway, sea and air which is line with the UN model regulations. Section 14 covers the information required if you need to sendÌýthe substance to another site including another ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº site. This information includes;​

  • UN number​
  • UN proper shipping name​
  • Transport Hazard class(es)​
  • Packing Group​
  • Environmental Hazards​
  • Special precautions for user​
  • Information for transport in bulk.​

If you do have to ship samples or any hazardousÌýsubstanceÌýplease contact the Safety Services for specialist advice on theÌýmovement of dangerous goods.​​

15. Regulatory information​

This section will be relevant to the country of origin. Always ensure that you haveÌýanÌýSDS written for users based in the UK.​

It will list the other statutory instruments guidance and other documents that affect the purchase, storage, use, or production of theÌýsubstance including but not limited to​:

  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (as amended). (COSHH)​.
  • Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations.​
  • Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC.​
16.ÌýOther information​

This section is how you can check that the SDS is the latest version and suitable for use in the UK. Information from the publisher,Ìýincluding publishing date.

What is theÌýSafety Data Sheet? →