

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Quantum Science and Technology Institute


¹û¶³Ó°ÔºQ Quantum Tech Summer School

Our summer school provides undergraduates a comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of quantum technologies.

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Aimed at undergraduates with a background in engineering and computer science (but also open to those studying Natural Sciences), the summer school will provide a comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of Quantum Technologies, including quantum computing and quantum communication.

School Programme

For a week in early July students will have the opportunity to attend lectures from leading experts, including:

Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
  • Overview of basic quantum ideas and the ‘language’ of quantum mechanics
  • Introduction to the Schrödinger Equation, Dirac Notation, Operators and Superposition
Quantum computing and qubits
  • Introduction to qubits, Bloch sphere, simple one qubit and two qubit gates and circuits
  • Decoherence, qubit errors and a simple quantum error correction procedure
Quantum algorithms and quantum computing architectures
  • Introduction to quantum computing and algorithms theory and analysis
  • Overview of key quantum algorithms and applications giving provable quantum advantage (Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, Hamiltonian simulation...)
  • Overview of recent heuristic quantum algorithms and applications (QAOA, VQE...)
Quantum cryptography and quantum communication
  • Quantum entanglement; Quantum teleportation
  • Quantum key distribution
  • Certified randomness
Key technology platforms for quantum computers
  • Overview of key quantum computing platforms, including superconducting circuits, trapped ions, semiconductor spin qubits, photonics and cold atoms
  • Summary of key quantum computing hardware developers in the field

Students will also have the chance to work hands-on in quantum technologies, including fabricating nanoscale devices and programming current-generation quantum processors. Additionally, students will be able to meet with ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºQ staff and students and have the opportunity to take part in smaller tutorials in quantum information and quantum technologies.

Dates and Fees

  • Dates: Monday 4 -  Friday 8 July 2022
  • Location: ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Bloomsbury Campus, London, UK
  • Course and accommodation fees will be fully covered by a grant from EPSRC
  • Travel: Students will have to cover any travel expenses, but to make the school as inclusive as possible there is also a small travel bursary available.

This year our summer school will be held in-person and on-site! However, the University may still have in place public health measures due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.  

How to apply

Applications for 2022 entry are now closed. We are shortlisting and will contact you regarding the outcome of your application soon. 

Deadline: 23:59 (BST) Sunday 1 May 2022.

Our application process is simple. We ask all applicants to complete our application form and include this with a copy of their CV and a short personal statement (one side of A4) detailing their motivation for attending our summer school.