



Public Health and Every Mind Matters Campaign



The five Public Health presentations were focused on Every Mind Matters, England’s first national mental health literacy and self-care programme.

Karen Pinder (Head of Marketing (Mental Health) in the Behavioural Programmes Unit of the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities) prepared slides about the background to Every Mind Matters (EMM), from its conception in 2017 to its impact today, and these were presented by Paul McCrone (Professor of Healthcare Economics at the Institute for Lifecourse Development in the Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences, at the University of Greenwich). The other presentations represented four strands of an independent evaluation of Every Mind Matters conducted by the MHPRU and led by Professor Claire Henderson of Kings College London.

Prof McCrone also presented an analysis of the health economic impact of the Every Mind Matters campaign, which assessed whether campaign awareness was associated with an increase in contacts with GPs and therapists, and whether the campaign outcomes are sufficient to justify the costs.

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Ruth Stuart, a researcher working for the MHPRU at KCL, presented the qualitative interview study. Interviews were conducted with people who had looked at the Every Mind Matters website for advice about common mental health problems and a sub-sample of people known to have experience of severe mental health conditions not covered by Every Mind Matters. Dr Kia Chong Chua, Senior Lecturer in Applied Health Statistics at KCL, presented his work on the development of a measure of mental health literacy in daily life suitable for the general population and for the evaluation of Every Mind Matters. Jane Sungmin-Hahn, a researcher based at ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº, presented analysis of changes in mental health literacy over 30 months from the launch of Every Mind Matters in October 2019, and a comparison of outcomes for people who were aware of the Every Mind Matters campaign, and for those who were not.


Panel discussion

Rachel Rowan Olive, a researcher from the MHPRU LEWG and a co-author of the qualitative interview study, joined the presenters for a panel discussion. Professor McCrone chaired and put questions to each panellist; questions included ‘what further work is needed on measuring of mental health literacy? What are the next steps for public health campaigns?’ and ‘Prevention is so important: how do we keep such initiatives high up the policy and research agenda?’

For a full video of both the presentations and the panel session, you can watch here.

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