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Seven questions with Kurren Sandhu

8 June 2016

This week we put seven questions to Kurren Sandhu a fifth year Medical student who created

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº student video series SuperNova Student aims at enhancing wellbeing and improving exam performance megaph.com/" target="_self">SuperNova Student, a free online video series in which he shares techniques and tips that can help students maximise their revision for exams while reducing their stress levels at the same time.

Why are you interested in this subject and what do you plan to do in the future?

I enjoy interacting with people.Ìý To be able to support patients and make a difference in difficult times, is a real privilege.Ìý I'm also learning that the professional scope across Medicine is vast and the opportunities endless. From individual care, all the way to policy change and even appearances in the media. In the future, I hope to continue improving the health of students alongside a career in Emergency or Sports Medicine.

What is the most interesting thing you've done, seen or got involved with while at ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº?

Definitely has to be reaching the BUCS National Final 8s with the ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºU Men's Basketball team. It was a true underdog story as we were the only team without professional or scholarship players on our roster!

I also loved creating that I devised. It aims at enhancing wellbeing and improving exam performance. After burning out in my 3rd year, I started looking for solutions to performing well academically but also looking after myself and enjoying student life.

With the help of a Nutrition Scientist and Health Coach, I created the SuperNova Student video series. I'm just looking to help some of my fellow students out and gain valuable feedback with this series with a view to expanding the course in the future.

Have you discovered any hidden gems during your time at ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº?

I can't think of any locations or events as such. A society that not many people know about though is the ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºU Wilderness Medicine Society. We climbed a mountain near Barcelona last summer which was pretty cool and you don't have to be a medic to join.

Give us your top three things to do/see/go to in London:

  • Angel Comedy Club - Free every night
  • Hip Hop Karoeke @ The Social
  • PopUp Painting

If you were Provost for the day what one thing would you do?

I had lots of crazy, impossible rollercoaster-related ideas for this one but thought I'd choose something boring instead. Hopefully the Provost himself reads this and will perhaps take note!

Half-way between each lecture, I'd ask every lecturer to encourage all their students to get up and perform an active movement (calf raise, squat, hop). Will take less than 10 seconds, improve venous return to the heart and increase cardiac output resulting in improved attention, focus and health.

Who inspires you and why?

My dad for his consistency and my mum for her selflessness. The next tier along would be Kobe Bryant for his work ethic.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

I somehow ended up in a music video as a Bhangra dancer and actor haha! Bruah!