

Library Services


Musin-Pushkin Collection

Archive Collection description: MUS

Musin-Pushkin Collection (1772-1774)

Aleksei Semenovich Musin-Pushkin was Russian ambassador in London 1769-1778.


Photostats of letters written by Musin-Pushkin while Russian Ambassador to London comprising -
  • To Count N I Panin (6/17 Mar 1772)
  • To Count N I Panin (30 Mar/10 Apr 1772)
  • To Empress Catherine II (25 Sept/6 Oct 1772)
  • To Count N I Panin (14/25 Dec 1772)
  • To Count N I Panin (20 Feb/2 Mar 1773)
  • To Count N I Panin (27 Feb/9 Mar 1773)
  • To Count N I Panin (19/30 Apr 1773)
  • Letter without provenance to Baron Fredr. Nolikens Chiffrerade (7/18 Mar 1774)

1 envelope containing 8 photostat letters
Condition: final page of Swedish letter missing

(Language) Russian & Swedish

Unrestricted access

See also: the original documents in this collection are held by the archives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

A record for this collection is also available on the web site. To see it, please type MUS into the search field.

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This page last modified Friday 30 April 2010.