
James Beresford

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Probably Dr James Beresford, brother and partner of Dr John Beresford and son of Mrs Frances Beresford (q.v.), dying at Hartford Connecticut in 1843 according to the obituary of his brother the following year.

  1. BERESFORD --- At Berbice, (British Guiana) on the 3d of August [1844], Doct. John BERESFORD, in the 68th year of his age. Doct. Beresford was a native of the island of Barbadoes and was at an early period of his life attached to the medical department of the British service. Establishing himself, however, in the practice of his profession at Berbice, he lived to be one of the oldest English inhabitants of the colony and it is not exceeding the limits of impartial truth, or of the general testimony of the community, to say that not one of its citizen was more honored and beloved. The unbounded kindness of his heart, his habitual benevolence in the exercise of a laborious profession, his cordial hospitality and the steadiness of his Christian principles and conduct, endeared him in every circle and attracted the warm, personal affectin of those who saw him in his more private intercourse. In the year 1840, he visited the U.S. and for a time resided at Hartford, and afterwards at Brookly[n], NY and in both these places will be remembered by many with an esteem which so short a period does not often establish. The death of his brother, the late Doct. James Beresford, of Hartford, in 1843, was deeply felt by him, both as a severe bereavement and as an admonition that his won [sic] days were [numbered and from] the desire to see once more those members of his family who remained in his former place of residence, he undertook, in April last, a voyage to Berbice. After a stay of three months, he was attached [=attacked] with paralysis, which on the fourth day, closed his life. He died un[d]er the roof of a most affectionate son, in the possession of his mental faculties.


  1. 4 October 1844 -Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, from The Guyana/British Guiana Genealogical Society, [accessed 11/11/2021].

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£523 8s 0d

Relationships (1)

Son → Mother
Notes →
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