
Peter Heywood

No Dates


  1. Colonel Peter Heywood married Grace Modyford, widow of Edward Drake, in St Andrew, 2 February 1681/2. Grace was one of three daughters and co-heiresses of Sir James Modyford (d. 1672/3), Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, and Elizabeth nee Slanning. Grace's mother Elizabeth was heiress of Sir Nicholas Slanning of Devon, England. Peter and Grace had at least four children, including Elizabeth, who married Charles Morgan Byndloss, and Col. James Heywood. Peter Heywood was still alive in 1720.

  2. Agreement dated 03/10/1684 between in the first part: Dame Elizabeth Modyford, widow of Sir James Modyford deceased; John Deane of Mattingley, Hampshire and Mary his wife; and Elizabeth Herne of Mattingley, widow. In the second part: Peter Heywood of Jamaica and Grace his wife. Mary Deane, Elizabeth Herne and Grace Heywood are the only children and heirs of Sir James Modyford and the said Dame Elizabeth Modyford. "Whereas Sir John Modyford was seized of a considerable estate both real and personal in Jamaica, it is agreed that Peter Heywood shall have all such" in return for a payment of 5s to Dame Elizabeth Modyford and 拢650 each with interest at 6% to John Deane and Mary, and Elizabeth Herne. Heywood to sign bonds for 拢1000 each, a debt payable to Sir Charles Modyford excepted. There will be 拢1000 due to Grace after the decease of Dame Elizabeth Modyford, being her third share in 拢3000 now out at interest; this 拢1000 to be part of the security in Heywood's bonds.


  1. Vere Langford Oliver, Caribbeana being miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies (6 vols., London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1910-1919) vol. 3 pp. 241-245.

  2. Ibid. p. 241-242.

Further Information

Grace Drake nee Modyford
Elizabeth (1683-?), James (1684/5-1738), Charles (1686-?), Peter (?-1701)

Relationships (4)

Second Husband → Wife
Father → Son
Grandfather → Grandson
Son-in-law → Father-in-law