
Martha Phipps

1762 - 1832


Slave-owner in Trinidad and Dominica. Mother of Elizabeth Georgiana Beaulieu Chollet Robinson, her natural daughter with John Robinson of Dominica (q.v.). In his will, John Robinson left his daughter 拢500 on the day of her marriage but he made no provision for her before marriage as her mother Martha Phipps 'is wealthy'.

Of Ramsgate, Kent, when she wrote her will in 1830 when she described herself as a widow. Several items of jewellery and the freehold house in Ramsgate are among the items listed in her will. The main beneficiaries were her daughter Elizabeth and Elizabeth's children.

Martha Phipps owned 13 enslaved people in Trinidad in 1813 and 5 enslaved people in Trinidad in 1825.

Martha Phipps of Ramsgate was buried there 18/08/1832 age 70 years.


Will of John Robinson, PROB 11/1506/156; will of Martha Phipps, PROB 11/1805/415.

Trinidad 1813 slave register, T71/503 187; Trinidad 1825 register, T71/512 2275 (registered by her agent Anne Payne).

Findmypast.co.uk, Kent, Canterbury Archdeaconry Burials [database online].

Further Information

Elizabeth Georgiana Beaulieu Chollet Robinson

PROB 11/1805/415 - precis.

Martha Phipps of Ramsgate in the Isle of Thanet, Kent, widow.

Payment of debts and funeral expenses out of my personal estate.

My gold watch chain and seals to my god-daughter Charlotte Giles, daughter of Thomas Giles now or late of the George Inn, Snowhill, London, Innkeeper.

My large diamond ring to my friend Charles Robinson Esquire of Demerary as a mark of my friendship and esteem.

My diamond brooch and emerald diamond ring to William Holmes Esquire of Grafton Street, Piccadilly, London.

All my plate, jewels and other personal ornaments to my daughter Elizabeth Rymer, wife of James Rymer of Ramsgate, surgeon, for her natural life, she signing an inventory thereof and thereafter to each of her children who shall be living at the time of her decease equally divided.

To the person who may serve or attend me most faithfully and attentively during my last illness, 拢30 sterling in conformity to any verbal instructions I may give during such my last illness, or in default my executors to pay the same at their discretion to whom they deem to be bona fide entitled thereto.

My large cheval looking glass now at the dwellinghouse of Mr William Storey, 12 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, to his daughter Mary Ann Storey.

To my friend Mr Frederick Pantin of Ramsgate, Gentleman, 拢10 as a trifling acknowledgement of the many acts of kindness he has shown me.

To each of my executors 拢5 a piece.

To my female servant Maury, a slave in Trinidad, one third part of my body linen and cotton and muslin apparel and also to her from the time of my decease her full manumission and freedom forever.

All residue and remainder of my wearing apparel and body linen to my daughter Elizabeth Rymer, Elizabeth otherwise called Betsey Rainy and Flora Buckly of Dominica equally between them.

My slave woman Amelia now in Trinidad to my friend Ann Payne of Trinidad.

All my freehold messuage in Ramsgate called 10 Albion Hill with all the household goods, furniture, fxture and effects to the use of my friends Thomas Giles, William Storey (stonemason) and John Lake of 4 Pancras Lane, London and of East Dulwich Peckham Rye, merchant, upon trust for my daughter Elizabeth Rymer to reside in, she keeping the premises in good and tenantable repair and signing an inventory of the said household goods etc, for the term of her natural life. If she chooses not to live there, then the annual rent from a tenant to be given to her for her natural life. Thereafter my trustees to sell the premises and contents and to lay out the proceeds in their own names in shares of Parliamentary stocks or public funds or at interest upon Government or real securities in England for all the children of my daughter Elizabeth Rymer share and share alike, and to their respective executors, administrators and assignees, the shares of each child to be paid to them at age 21 years. Should any die under the age of 21 years without lawful issue then their part to be divided between the survivors. In case there should be no issue, then the stocks, funds and securities to be divided between Elizabeth otherwise Betsey Rainy and Flora Buckly of Dominica equally.

There is a large sum due me from the late John Blackburn Esquire of Broad Street in the City of London deceased. My trustees or executors to have full power to retrieve these funds and to use all lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof as I myself might or could do if living. These funds to be invested in public stocks or funds of this Kingdom or upon real or Government securities in England, to pay to my daughter Elizabeth Rymer 拢50 sterling per annum for life. After her decease, my trustees to possess these funds in trust for the children of my daughter lawfully begotten living at the time of her decease, to be transferred to them at the age of 21, or any that die before that age then the sum to go to their lawful issue.

All residue and remainder to Thomas Giles, William Storey and John Lake in trust to sell and invest the proceeds in government stock etc for the benefit of the children of Elizabeth Rymer at age 21... Each share can at the discretion of my executors be converted for the benefit of any of the children for the purpose only of a marriage portion or for their advancement in life before the age of 21 years.

All legacies to Elizabeth Rymer to be free from the control, debts or interference of her current or future husband.

Thomas Giles, William Storey and John Lake to be joint executors.

Signed 06/01/1830.

Proved at London 20/09/1832 by the oath of William John Rayton Storey (the said William Storey) one of the executors, administration also granted to Thomas Hillson Giles (Thomas Giles) and John Lake.

Relationships (2)

Mother-in-law → Son-in-law
Extra-marital relationships