
John Harman

???? - 1817


Brother and partner of Jeremiah Harman of Stoke Newington (q.v.), and father of Jeremiah Harman the Governor of the Bank of England. With Henry Hope and reportedly Henry [sic] Harman, Jeremiah Harman of Stoke Newington entered into leases and mortgages over one or more estates [and presumably enslaved people] with the Hon. Patrick Maxwell of Grenada (q.v.) in Tobago in 1772. It appears likely that his associate in these transactions was John Harman, of this entry, rather than Henry. The mortgage deeds appear in the National Library of Scotland's catalogue under the sub-collection 'Legal documents relating to properties in the West Indies belonging to Alexander Ellice and his descendants' and appear to relate to three estates for the enslaved people on whom the compensation was later paid into the Chancery suit of Farquharson v Balfour: Spring Garden; Orange Hill and Burleigh Castle.


National Library of Scotland, Ch. 12638 Mortgage of plantation in Tobago between the Honorable Patrick Maxwell with John Balfour, and Henry Hope, Henry Harman and Jeremiah Harman, 10/03/1772, http://manuscripts.nls.uk/repositories/2/archival_objects/3481 [accessed 30/05/2018]. It seems likely that the party was John Harman rather than Henry Harman: Ch. 12640 shows a Declaration of the same date by John and Jeremiah Harman to Henry Hope.

Further Information

Married but no further details

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner

Relationships (1)
