
Richard Grace Gamon

1748 - 1818


MP for Winchester 1784-1812. Former Collector of Taxes on St Kitts until the French occupation of 1783. Brother of Anna Eliza, Duchess of Chandos (q.v.). Successive volumes of the History of Parliament say of him: 'on 4 July 1788 he opposed Dolben’s bill to regulate the shipment of slaves to the West Indies, where he owned estates' and '[A]s a West India proprietor who had voted against the abolition of the slave trade, 15 Mar. 1796, he was still listed ‘adverse’ in 1806, though he is not credited with a word in debate on this or any other subject after 1789.' To date, LBS has not tied him to any specific estate on St Kitts, and his will is silent on 'slave-property.'


and [both accessed 15/03/2018]; will of Sir Richard Gamon of George Street Hanover Square proved 22/05/1818, PROB 11/1604/333.

Further Information

Charlotte Amelia

Legacies Summary

Political (1)

election →
Winchester Hampshire
1784 - 1824

Relationships (1)

Brother → Sister