
Benjamin Lyon

No Dates


  1. Will of Benjamin Lyon of St Katherine Jamaica proved 15/12/1780. In the will he left his estate in Ireland to his son John, with remainder to Edmund Pusey Lyon and then on: Benjamin Lyon commented that John was free to sell the property but that he [the testator] hoped his son 'would have more grace and goodness than to sell anything I have so dearly earned.' He instructed his trustees to sell his estate at Saint Iago Park and his enslaved people.

  2. Named as "my late dear and valued friend" in the will of James Ridge, written in 1783 and proved in 1794. Ridge also names Benjamin Lyon's second son Edmund Pusey Lyon as "my nephew and godson", possibly a connection through Ridge's wife's first husband.


  1. PROB 11/1072/231.

  2. PROB 11/1251/61.

We are grateful to A. Jane Williamson for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Relationships (1)

Father → Son