
Charles Knight

???? - 1706


  1. Resident planter, owner of Whitehall in St Thomas-in-the-East, Jamaica, which be bequeathed to his neice Elizabeth Knight.

  2. Charles Knight was co-owner of the ship Neptune that sailed from in the Netherlands in June 1698 to ports in Western Africa including Sestos and Elmina. 174 enslaved people embarked on a voyage across the Atlantic in October 1698. 160 of these people were still alive and disembarked from the ship at an unknown port in the Caribbean.


  1. PROB 11/494/165.

  2. voyage ID 24358.

We are grateful to Sophie Chessum for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

? Suffield

The Will of Charles Knight (b – 1706) uncle of Elizabeth Knight who married Thomas Onslow in 1708.

Transcriber: Sophie Chessum, Clandon Park Curator -

Ref: PROB 11: Will Registers (1705-1712) Piece 494: Poley, Quire Nos 89-132 (for 1707)

The will was written in 1706 during the reign of Queen Anne. Signed 15 December 1706. Sworn by witnesses in Jamaica 23 January 1706/7

Proved in London 3 May 1707

I Charles Knight of the Parish of Kingston Esq being weak of Body but through Gods mercy of sound mind and disposing memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following vizt ffirst and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of God my Creator trusting in his mercy throught the merritts and mediation of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ for the remifsion of my sins my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently and in Christian life manner interred at the discretion of my Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament nominated and appointed for this Island and as [touching?] the disposition of my temporall Estate as well Reall as Personall I give and dispose of the same in mannor following ffirst I order and appoint that my just debts and ffunerall expences be forthwith paid without delay then I give and bequeath to Lucia Mitchell the wife of William Mitchell of the Towne and Parish of Kingston Bricklayer all that parcel of Land formerly belonging to Edward Jones situate laying and being in Church Street in the Towne of Kingston aforementioned and by me lately purchased together with all houses Edificyes buildings thereon erected on which shall be hereafter erected with their and every of their Appurtenances to have and to hold the said parcel of Land and premifses with their and every of their Appurtenances to the said Lucia Mitchell her heires and assignes for ever I also give and bequeath to the said Lucia Mitchell the summe of Two hundred pounds to be paid to her by my Executors in Trust appointed for this Island within one Callender Month after my decease I further give and bequeath to the said Lucia Mitchell the severall Negros following vizt. Tom a Negro Man now or late in the pofsefsion of Capt. Thomas Grey of the Parish of Port Royal. Manny, Marina and Sabilla with Sabilla’s Child to have and to hold the said Negro Man three Negro Women and Child to the said Lucia Mitchell her heires and assignes for ever I do likewise appoint the said Lucia Mitchell shall have and enjoy the use of two Negro Women named Venus and Carabow until such time as her Daughter Elizabeth shall attain her age of Twenty one years or her day of Marriage which shall first happen at which of those times which shall first happen my Will is that she deliver up the said two Negros named Venus and Carabow with their and each of their increase to her Daughter Elizabeth by her to be held and enjoyed from thenceforth to the use of her self and the issue of her body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to be and remain to Thomas the son of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned his heires and assignes for ever I give and bequeath to the said Thomas the son of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being upon Port Royall and herein and herby not otherwise devised and bequeathed together with my plantation which I lately purchased of Abraham Walter situate lying and being near passage ffort in the Parish of St Catherines together with all houses edifices and buildings thereon Erected and Negro Slaves Cattell Sheep and other stuff thereon being or thereunto belonging to have and to hold all and every the above recited premises with their and every their Appurtenances to the said Thomas the son of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten and for want of such Heirs to Elizabeth the daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and the Heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for want of such Heirs to Elizabeth the Daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and the heirs of her Body Lawfully begotten and for want of such to my Loveing Heir Eliz.a Knight and Daughter of my late Brother John Knight Deceased and her heirs for ever I give and bequeath to Elizabeth the Daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned all my Houses Lands and Tenements situate lying and being in the Towne and Parish of Kingston except the Houses and Lands formerly belonging to Edward Jones and herin before devised and bequeathed to her Mother Lucia Mitchell and her Heires to have and to hold the said Houses Lands and Tenements except as beforementioned with their and every of their Appurtenances to the said Elizabeth the daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and the Issue of her Body lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to Thomas the son of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and the Issue of his body Lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to my beloved Heire Elizabeth Knight the Daughter of my later Brother John Knight deceased her Heires and Assignes for ever I do also further give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the Daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned the summe of one thousand pounds current money of Jamaica at her age of one and twenty years or day of Marriage which shall first happen and I do impower order and appoint my Executors in Trust for this Island nominated and appointed with all convenient speed after my death to put out one Thousand pounds Currant money of Jamaica to Interest upon some good Mortgage or other security such as they shall approve of and to apply the interest thereof from time to time payable as it shall become due and paid towards the maintenance and Education of the said Elizabeth the Daughter of Lucia Mitchell above mentioned and to apply the same wholy to her benifitt and advantage I give and bequeath unto Mary West who now lives with me a Wherry and two Negro Men named Tom and Orange to be delivered to her immediately after my decease to have and to hold the said two Negro men called Tom and Orange to her the said Mary West her Heires and assignes for ever I do also further give and bequeath unto the said Mary West all the furniture of my house I now live in at Kingston except my plate in the said house and also the summe of two hundred pounds current money of Jamaica to be paid to her by my Executors in Trust constituted and appointed for the Island of Jamaica within Six callender Months after my decease I give and bequeath to my Godson Nathaniell Stevenson the summe of two hundred pounds current money of Jamaica to be paid him when he shall attain his age of Twenty one years I give and bequeath to Joseph De Silva my Book Keeper the summe of two hundred pounds current money of this Island to be paid to him by my Executors in Trust appointed for this Island within twelve months after my decease provided he be aiding and assisting to my said Executors in the recovering and getting in such debts as are now due to me outstanding out or which shall hereafter become due to me in this Island I give and bequeath unto my Cosen Phillip Knight now under the care of Humphry South the Elder of London Merchant the summe of two thousand pounds of good and Lawfull money of England at his age of Twenty one years to be paid to him by my Exectors in Trust nominated and appointed for the Kingdom of England I give and bequeath unto my Cosen the Sister of the said Phillip Knight above mentioned who Christian name I do not at present remember the like summe of two thousand pounds of good and Lawfull money of England at his age of Twenty one years or the day of her Marriage which shall first happen to be paid to her in like manner by my Exectors in Trust nominated and appointed for the Kingdom of England I do nominate constitute and appoint Humphrey South the Elder Charles Kent and Humphrey South the younger all of the City of London Merchants Executors in Trust of my Estate in the Kingdom of England during the minority of my beloved Heir Elizabeth Knight the Daughter of my Brother John Knight deceased And to [?] of them my said Executors respectively I do give and bequeath the summe of one hundred pounds of goods and lawfull money of England to be paid within six Callender Months after my Decease I do also constitute nominate and appoint the Honourable Richd Thompson of the Parish of Kingston Esq Joseph Sergeant Esq and Anthony Major Merchant both of the same Parish Executors in Trust of my Estate in the Island of Jamaica during the minority of my beloved Heir Elizabeth Knight Daughter of my Brother John Knight deceased and to both of them my said Executors respectively I do give and bequeath the summe of one hundred pound of currant money of the Island of Jamaica to be paid with six callender months after my decease provided nevertheless and I do hereby declare it to be my express will and intent that Richd. Thompson Esq above mentioned alone shall order divert and intermeddle with any shipps or vessels or their Loadings whether Negros or other Merchandize that shall come consigned to me after my decease either in partnership with the said Richard Thompson or otherwise and that the said Richard Thompson alone shall draw the whole Commission of all such Shipps and Vessells Negros and other wares and Merchandizes whatever as shall happen to come or be consigned to me after my decease to his own proper use All the rest residue and remainder of my Reall Estate Lands Tenements plantations Negros or other Hereditaments in the Island of Jamaica Kingdom of England or elsewhere I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved niece Elizabeth Knight the daughter of my late brother John Knight deceased who is now or late was under the care of Humphrey South the Elder of the city of London Merchant above mentioned to have and to hold to her the said Elizabeth Knight and the issue of her body lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to my Cosen Phillip Knight and the Issue of his Body lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to the sister of the said Phillip Knight whose Christian name I do not at present remember and the Issue of her Body Lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to my owne right Heires for ever I give and bequeath unto Humphrey South the Elder Charles Kent and Humphrey South the Younger of the Citty of London Merchants my Executors in Trust above appointed for the Kingdom of England and the survivors of them the summe of Two Thousand pounds of goods and lawfull money of the Kingdom of England upon this spiriall Trust and confident that they distribute the same amongst my poor Relations in England for whole I have not provided by this my last Will and Testament according to their distractions and confri?cures? within Twelve Callender Months after certain notice by them received of my decease I give and bequeath unto my beloved Aunt Draper the wife of John Draper of London the summe of one Thousand pounds of good and Lawfull money of this Kingdom of England to be paid to her Executors in Trust nominated and appointed for the Kingdom of England within six callender months after my decease I give and bequeath unto my ffather in Law Mr John Suffeild of the Towne of Evesham Worcester the summe of three hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid him also by my Executors in Trust for the Kingdom of England within six months after my decease All the rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate ready money rights and creditts goods and chattels of what nature or kind soever the same be in England Jamaica or elsewhere upon the sea or Land I give devise and bequeath to my beloved niece Elizabeth Knight - above mentioned the Daughter of my late Brother John Knight deceased at her age of twenty one years or day of Marriage which shall first happen but in case my said niece Elizabeth Knight shall happen to depart this Life before she shall have attained to the age of Twenty one years not having been Marryed then and in such case I devise and bequeath the same and every part and parcell thereof to my Cosen Phillip Knight above mentioned at his age of Twenty one years and in case the said Elizabeth Knight above mentioned shall happen to depart this Life before she shall attain to the age of Twenty one years and before she shall have been married and the said Phillip Knight above mentioned shall also dye before he shall have attained his age of one and twenty years then and in case of matters so happening to fall out I give and bequeath all such the residue and remainder of my personal estate ready money rights and creaditts goods and chattels of what nature or kind the same be in England Jamaica or elsewhere upon the seas or Land so devised and bequeathed to my Niece Elizabeth Knight as above unto my well beloved Aunt Mrs Draper the wife of John Draper of London above mentioned and her Issues for ever I do Nominate Constitute and appoint my well beloved Niece Eliza Knight sole Executrix of my last Will and Testament when she shall have arrived at the age of Twenty one years or be married which shall first happen but in case my said Niece Elizabeth Knight shall thanks to depart this Life before she have attained her age of Twenty one years not having been Married then and in such case I do nominate and constitute and appoint my Cosen Phillip Knight at his age of Twenty one years Executor of this my Last Will and Testament And in case it should happen that my said Niece Elizabeth Knight should depart this Life before she shall have attained the age of Twenty one years neaver haveing been married and my Cosen Phillip Knight above mentioned shall also happen to depart this Life before he shall have attained to the age of Twenty one years then and in such case matters so happening I do constitute ordain and appoint my beloved Aunt Draper the Wife of John Draper of London above mentioned sole and absolute Executrix of this my Last Will and Testment Lastly I do earnestly request my much esteemed friends Richard Thompson Esq Joseph Seargeant and Anthony Major Merchant carefully to inspect the management of such part of my Estate in Jamaica devised to my Niece Eliza Knight and to remit the produce thereof from time to time after the necessary and contingent changes borne to my worthy ffreinds Humphrey South the Elder Charles Kent and Humphrey South the younger consigned to them for the proper accompt and [?] of my said Heir Eliza Knight and that they will also take care of the management and disposition of such part of my Estate in this Island Devised to Thomas and Elizabeth the son and Daughter of Lucia Mitchell aforementioned with whole I desire they may live and remain and that the produce thereof out of which my desire is may be handsomely maintained and educated may be managed and disposed of to the utmost advantage of them and care of them And I do hereby revoke all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In Wittness where of I the said Charles Knight have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this ffifteenth day of September in the fifth year of her Majesties Reigne and in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven Hundred and six. Charles Knight signed sealed and Delivered published and Declared by the Testator in the presence of us and by us Wittnessed in the presence of the Testator Wm Brodrick Sam.ll Page Edwd Pratter

Memorandum that one the Twenty third day of January one Thousand Seaven hundred and six appeared before me Doctor Samuell Page and Edward Pratter and made Oath upon the Holy Evangelist that they were present and saw the honourable Charles Knight Esq being then of sound mind and memory signe seal publish and Declare the the within written Instructions to be his last Will and Testament and that at the same time Wm Broderick Esq was also present and together with them the said Sam.ll Page and Edwards Pratter subscribed his name as a Wittness to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that they know nothing of any other Will made by the said Testator which may tend to the disadvantage of these presents Tho: Handasys


[in Latin]

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1706 [EY] → Owner

Relationships (1)

Uncle → Niece