
George Bainbridge

???? - 1827


London merchant of Bread Street, in partnership with Gilbert Harrison (d. 1790) and John Ansley (d. 1795).

  1. Will of George Bainbridge of 45 Bread Street in the City of London proved 1827. The will transmits all property in the County of Durham and in the Island of Jamaica to his wife Elizabeth Bainbridge rather than his son John Bainbridge who 'has enjoyed for several years part a quarter share as Copartner in the business.. but notwithstanding repeated remonstrances he has for a length of time persisted in a ruinous course of expenditure and by consequence became indebted to the firm upwards of £30 000 as appears by the amount of the Copartnership made up to a recent period £19,518 8 shillings and four pence part of such debt I have recently discharged or otherwise had placed to my private account with the Firm and whereas by reason of losses the great change in Commercial affairs and the proportion of debt satisfied to the Copartners as aforesaid my property is much diminished and as to the whole of the remainder Real and Personal I design shall go and be for the benefit of my Wife'.


NB the two estates associated with George Bainbridge both have ties to the Livingston family. The ties of George Bainbridge of 45 Bread Street to the Livingston family have not yet been unpicked, but the banking firm of Dorrien Magens that appears in the will of George Bainbridge of 45 Bread Street recurs through the suit of Thomas Dorrien v George Livingston into which the compensation for the Clonmell estate was paid.

  1. PROB 11/1726

We are grateful to Marion Moverley for help in compiling this entry.

Further Information


GEORGE BAINBRIDGE PROB 11/1726 will 16 February 1822 proved 9 June 1827 This is the Last Will and Testament of me GEORGE BAINBRIDGE of 45 Bread Street in the City of London Esquire made this 16 February 1822 whereas by a certain Indentures bearing date respectively on or about the 1st May 1817 and 24 July 1818 and respectively made between me the testator of the one part and ROBERT MASTERS KERRISON and ROBERT SKINNER therein respectively described of the other part all that Leasehold messuage or Tenement with warehouses coach house stables and other erections and Buildings Yard and appurtenances situate and being on the east of Bread Street in the parish of All Hallows in the City of London and also certain other leasehold premises comprising a Messuage or tenements and Farm thereon by the name of Great Pondmans Farm with the Barns Yards Gardens outhouses and appurtenances situate lying and being at Co.. Row in the parish of Romford in the County of Essex for the remainder of the terms therein respectively together with all and singular the household ?…? Furniture plate linen china books prints pictures wines Liquors and all household stores household effects of every kind horses cows oxen pigs sheep poultry carriages waggons carts implements of husbandry of what kind soever corn grain hay grass straw manure and all other Farming stock both alive and dead Crops of every description Shrubs plants Flowers Desks iron safes tables counters fittings fixtures articles and things Carriages Carriage horses harness saddles bridles wearing apparel Jewels Watches Trinkets and ornaments of or relating to me the Testator in my own right or in right of my wife ELIZABETH or otherwise and all ?..? money and all toher the Goods Chattels and effects whatsoever of me the said testator in about or belonging to the said several leasehold premises aforesaid being my sole and private property and not belonging to me as the Copartner of or in right of the Copartnership with any person or persons whomsoever were assigned to the said ROBERT MASTERS KERRISON and ROBERT SKINNER their executors etc … upon trust as therein expressed or referred to an among other trusts in case I should happen to depart this life in the lifetimes of ELIZABTH my wife upon trust for the said ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE her executors etc …. and it is thereby provided that the provision made by the said in part recited Indentures for my Wife should not be considered as in bar or satisfaction of her dower thirds Widows part of free bench in or out of my Real Estate or any part thereof or of her distributive share of my personal estate and effects not by the said respective Indentures assigned in the event of my intestary in her lifetimes and whereas JOHN BAINBRIDGE junior has enjoyed for several years part a quarter share as Copartner in the business in which I am ?…? but nothwithstanding repeated remonstrances he has for a length of time persisted in a ruinous course of expenditure and by consequence became indebted to the firm upwards of £30,000 as appears by the amount of the Copartnership made up to a recent period £19,518 8 shillings and four pence part of such debt I have recently discharged or otherwise had placed to my private account with the Firm and whereas by reason of losses the great change in Commercial affairs and the proportion of debt satisfied to the Copartners as aforesaid my property is much diminished and as to the whole of the remainder Real and Personal I design shall go and be for the benefit of my Wife and whereas the Lease of the premises in Bread Street aforesaid as in the hands of Messrs Dorrien and Company Bankers Finch Lane Cornhill who have no claim against me on my own private account I direct that the same be delivered over to the said trustees or trustee for the time being upon trust as aforesaid free from any lieu or incumbrance whatever I give devise and bequeath all my Lands tenements Heredits and Real estate In the County of Durham and in the Island of Jamaica and also the Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real estate of in or to which I am or my Person or Preson whomseover I trust for me us or are seized or possessed or interested in or intitled unto un possession reversion remainder expectancy or otherwise howsoever in over or upon which I have any power or powers of appointment … I hereby declare it to be my intent and meaning to exercise and execute and all other my Hereditaments and Real estate wheresoever situate …. and also all mortgages with the principal monies and Interest due thereon unto my Wife ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE … I give and bequeath unto the said ROBERT MASTERS KERRISON and ROBERT SKINNER …. all my personal property over which I have any power of disposition hereby intending to exercise and execute any power enabling me in that behalf and all my estate and effects as well in Copartnership as all other my estate and effects of whatever description …. subject to my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expences and legacies and the legacy duty but nevertheless upon trust for my said Wife ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE …. I hereby appoint my said wife ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE and the sid ROBERT MASTER KERRISON and ROBERT SKINNER joint executrix and executors of this will will and I give the said ROBERT MASTERS KERRISON and ROBERT SKINNER £100 sterling a piece for their trouble and pains … witnesses Eliz Wild, Elizabeth Wilks, J Thompson, Drs Commons

Proved at London 9 June 1827 on the oath of Robert Masters Kerrison Esq

NB Robert Master Kerrison was a doctor John Bainbridge was baptised at All hallows, Bread Street, London 17 September 1784 s.o. George & Anne Bainbridge.

George Bainbridge poss married twice as first wife was Ann Toulmin. John Ansley made a will, [18 pages] also of Bread Street, also had property near Leeds, which he put in trust, George Bainbridge being named as one of the trustees

Associated Estates (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1820 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Owner
1829 [EA] - → Previous owner
1820 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Owner
1829 [EA] - → Previous owner

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)


Relationships (1)

Father → Son