
David Shaw

???? - 1805


Resident slave-owner in Jamaica, dying there c. 1805.

  1. Will of David Shaw of St Mary Island of Jamaica proved 31/12/1805 (made in 1803). In the will he makes provision for Henrietta Campbell ('now resident with me') and eight children of Henrietta's.


  1. PROB 11/1435/225.

Further Information

[With Henrietta Campbell] Thomas Burke Shaw, Elizabeth Shaw, George Shaw, Sarah Shaw, Fanny Shaw, David Shaw, Alexander Shaw, John Shaw

PROB 11/1435/225 - precis.

Daivd Shaw of the parish of St Mary.

To Henrietta Campbell now living with me all my plantation called Bishops Mount in St Mary and also the following named slaves: Shandy, Primms, Cato, Chloe and all her children, Princess and all her children, Simpr and all her children, Rosanna. All for the term of her natural life. From after her death the same to my executors upon trust to sell and convert the same into money and remit the same to Great Britain to be invested in real securities at interest in the public funds for the use of all or any one or more of the children of Henrietta Campbell in the shares determined by her last will and testament. The sons to receive their share at age 21 and the daughters at age 21 or marriage.

The buildings at Bishops Mount to be put into good repair.

To Henrietta Campbell 拢200 Jamaican currency.

To Henrietta Campbell an annuity of 拢100 currency for her life to be paid out of my residuary estate.

Henrietta Campbell to divide my wearing apparel amongst my domestic servants.

To my brother John Shaw 拢300 sterling and an annuity of 拢50 sterling for life to be paid out of my residuary estate.

To my goddaughter Jane Ramsay 拢500 sterling.

To Mary Rucker, a free quadroon women, 拢200 Jamaican currency.

To each of the 8 children of Henrietta Campbell named Thomas Bourke Shaw, George Shaw, David Shaw, Alexander Shaw, John Shaw, Elizabeth Shaw, Sarah Shaw and Fanny Shaw 拢2,000 Jamaican currency each at age 21 or (for daughters) marriage. The dates the children turn 21 are: for Thomas Burke 20/10/1805; for George 01/06/1810; for David 01/03/1817; for Alexander 24/10/1819; for John 16/02/1823; for Elizabeth 04/07/1808; for Sarah 04/08/1812; for Fanny 06/09/1815.

All rest and residue to the children of my brother John Shaw and of my sisters Margaret and Jannet that shall be living at the time of my decease share and share alike to be paid at age 21 or (for daughters) marriage.

The dividends and profits of the legacies to each of the children of Henrietta Campbell to pay towards their maintenance and education or otherwise for their advantage until the legacies shall be payable to them. My executors to be guardians of the said children.

Hugh Hamilton, Alexander West Hamilton and James Duthie now resident in Scotland Esquire and William Ramsay and John Symes of St Chatherine, Jamaica, and James Macdowell of St Mary to be executors. To each of them 50 guineas for rings.

Signed 31/05/1803.

Codicil. I manumise a negroe man slave named Thomas Jenkins after my decease and give him every means in the law as shall be deemed fit and necessary. My executors to build a house for the use of Thomas Jenkins of the value of 拢70 Jamaican currency on part of Bishops Mount northerly on the Restent[?] plantation and esterly and southerly on Stephen Pidal for his natural life, as well as an annuity of 拢20 currency for life. Signed - day of - 1803.

Sworn in Jamaica 05/10/1805.

Proved in London 31/12/1805 by William Ramsay.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1805 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (7)

Extra-marital relationships
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Daughter
Father-in-law → Son-in-law