
Richard Dickson

???? - 1821


Resident slave-owner, will made in 1820 and proved in 1821.



Further Information


Will of Richard Dickson, [dated 28th March 1820; probated 25th April, 1821]

Jamaica SS I Richard Dickson being sound in mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament I hereby Devise my funeral expences and lawful debts to be paid by my Executors hereinafter named and for the payment thereof charge and make liable all my Estate called Cousins Cove with the negroes Cattle and Stock thereon I hereby set free from all Slavery and Servitude my negro man William Brown for his faithful services and I bequeath to him the sum of ten pounds to be paid annually out of Cousins Cove estate during his life I hereby give and bequeath thirty six acres of Land known as Cole Bottom being part of Samuels Cove joining on Haughton Tower Spring and Samuels Cove to Elizabeth Douglas and her two children James and Patrick To hold to them their heirs and assigns for ever and I hereby give and bequeath to each of them the said Elizabeth Douglas and her two children the sum of three hundred pounds the said sums to be paid to the said Elizabeth Douglas twelve months after my decease and to be paid to the said James and Patrick when of age the interest to be payable annually to them for their support and the said respective sums to be paid from my wharf and the negroes attached to it as hereinafter mentioned I also devise that a house be put up to the value of three hundred pounds at the expence of Cousins Cove estate on said Land in such place as the said Elizabeth Douglas may point out as soon after my death as possible I hereby give and bequeath to Fanny Fraser and her daughter Mary Dickson the house I built for them at Lances Bay with ten acres of Land adjoining thereto to them and their heirs for ever and I desire that the sum of five hundred pounds to be paid to each of my daughters Sarah Grant and Mary Dickson two years after my decease and thirty pounds annually for her lifetime to my late housekeeper Fanny Fraser to which sums I make subject my Wharf at Davis's Cove and negroes attached thereto I give and devise to my daughters Judy and Annie and son William[] the children of Nelly Murray my house in Lucea with the furniture thereto share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns for ever and I further bequeath to William my two negro men named James and Benjamin also William Murray to my daughter Judy a Sambo woman named Nancy and her daughter Sally and a negro woman named Jannet and to my daughter Annie a negro woman named Polly and her daughter Mary together with their future issue and increase to hold to them and their heirs and assigns for ever I hereby give devise and bequeath all my wharf stores and other buildings at Davis's Cove with the land adjoining to it from the Spring line to the bridge leading to my house and in a line up the Gully joining the land put into canes and to join Samuels Cove agreeable to the old line of Dry Hill with all my negroes which I have been accustomed to give in for separately from Cousins Cove and not herein otherwise disposed of male and female with their future issue offspring and increase to my three sons named John Richard and William[] to hold to them their heirs and assigns for ever share and share alike but subject to the Legacies hereinbefore mentioned and charged upon the said Wharf and negroes (the negroes and Land are subject to a mortgage granted by me to Alexander Stewart Esquire of London but on which he obliges himself by a defeasance on record to enter satisfaction on receiving a security on Samuels Cove which I desire my executors hereinafter mentioned to fulfil) my house at Dry Hill with the land adjoining from the bridge in to the Gully and joining the Wharf Land with the household furniture also all the land and buildings on Samuels Cove and Crooks Cove estates with the negroes male and female and their future issue and Increase with all the stock utensils and implements thereto also my wharf at Lucea I give and devise unto my relative [cousin] William Augustus Dickson (1) to hold to him and his heirs and assigns for ever excepting the lands bequeathed to Fanny Fraser and her daughter Mary and the land bequeathed to Elizabeth Douglas and her two children James and Patrick subject to the payment of my debts as already set forth and subject to the payment of one hundred pounds which I hereby bequeath to my friend David Grant the rest and remainder of my estate real personal or mixed of whatever description I give to my above named relative William Augustus Dickson to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever and I hereby nominate and appoint the said William Augustus Dickson and my sons John Dickson Richard Dickson and William Dickson executors of this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty (signed) Richard Dickson Signed sealed and delivered by the testator in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witness to the above written will (signed) W MacKintosh, Thos Miller Junr , Geo Holbrook

Jamaica SS In obedience to the dedimus potestatem herein annexed I have administered an oath unto George Holbrook who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth and saith that he was present and did sees Richard Dickson the Testator in the annexed instrument of writing named being at that time of sound and discerning mind memory and understanding sign seal publish and declare the same as and for his last will and Testament and at the same time William McIntosh and Thomas Miller Junr were also present and together with him subscribed their names as Witness to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he knows nothing of any will since made by the said Testator that can tend to the disadvantage of the will hereunto annexed Given under my hand and Seal this 25th day of April Annoque Domini 1821 (signed) Alexr Campbell, [magistrate]

Jamaica Island Record Office: Will of Richard Dickson, Recorded at Liber Old Series 100 Folio 14

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1811 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Owner
1799 [EA] - 1821 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (2)

Other relatives
Notes →
Reported to have been...
Testator → Legatee