
George Bogle

17th Dec 1762 - 1813


Son of Archibald Bogle and his wife Janet Cathcart, grandson of Robert Bogle of Shettleston. Merchant in Jamaica in partnership with George Atkinson (1764-1814) and owner of Dunkley's estate in Vere, Jamaica.

George had a reputed daughter, Helen Bogle, with Adelaide Lamoninary, to whom he left £25,000 on trust in his will (this daughter married the 'poet and politician' Winthrop Mackworth Praed in 1835). He had six children with Ann Middleton who were also left legacies of several thousand pounds each in his will.

His residuary legatees (who became the owners of Dunkley's) were his brothers Robert, Andrew and Hugh and his sister Helen.

George Bogle was of Effingham in Surrey and Burlington Street in Middlesex at the time of writing his will in October 1813. His will was proved in London 18/12/1813.


Familysearch.org batch no. C11946-5. PROB George Bogle of Effingham in the County of Surrey and of Burlington Street in the County of Middlesex Esquire - PROB 11/1550/327; Harling, Philip. "Praed, Winthrop Mackworth (1802–1839), poet and politician." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 23 Sep. 2004; Accessed 13 Apr. 2020. https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-22696 (which gives George Bogle as a 'sugar merchant' who had retired to Effingham). For a history of the Bogle family see John Guthrie Smith and John Oswald Mitchell, The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry (2nd edn., Glasgow, James MacLehose & Sons, 1878) Daldowie.

Further Information

With Adelaide Lamonary[?]: Helen Bogle. With Ann Middleton: George, Hugh, Rosanna, Janet and two others

George Bogle of Effingham in the County of Surrey and of Burlington Street in the County of Middlesex Esquire - PROB 11/1550/327.

To my brothers Robert Bogle Andrew Bogle and Hugh Bogle Esquires, my brother-in-law John Hamilton Esquire my ??? of Charles Street Berkeley Square Esquire and ??? John Robertson six of my Executors...

£25,000 sterling in trust to Helen Bogle my reputed daughter by Adelaide ??? at present residing in Flinders Street Westminster [various provisions based on her possible marriage]...

I particularly trust Helen Bogle and her sister Eliza to the care and protection of my said nephew John Robertson.

To my executors £4,000 sterling to be invested in the three per cent bank annuities to purchase an annuity for the said Adelaide Lamonary[?] for the term of her natural life and in her name...

To my executors £4000 sterling to be invested in the same manner to purchase an annuity for the name and the benefit of Rosanna Middleton spinster at present residing at Chelsea one of my reputed children with Ann Middleton (of the parish of Kingston and Island of Jamaica) for her life.

To my executors £5,000 sterling to be invested in like manner in the same fund in the purchase of an annuity in the name and for the benefit of Janet Middleton spinster at present residing at Tunbridge Wells another of my reputed children by the said Ann Middleton.

To my executors £5000 sterling to be invested in the like funds and benefitted on some of the annuity at their discretion in the purpose of an ???? the ??? West India Regiment and to pay ???? from time to time as and when ???? into the proper hands of the said ???? I direct that her receipts shall ????

I also give and bequeath to the said Andrew Bogle and to Edward Hamlin Adams and Robert Robertson Esquires two others of my Executors the sum of £1000 sterling upon trust that they do and shall invest the same in the Island of Jamaica on such security and in such manner as they shall think fit and pay and apply the income and produce thereof by weekly payments to and for the benefit of Archibald Middleton another of my reputed children by the said An Middleton now resident in Jamaica during his life and after his decease I direct that the principal money shall sink into and become part of my residuary estate and effects.

I give and bequeath unto my said there last named eceutors the sum of £1000 sterling upon trust for the benefit of George Middleton, Bricklayer now resident in Jamaica another of my reputed children by the said Ann Middleton either in the purchase of Negro and other Slaves or otherwise as they in their discretion shall think fit and most advantageous for his interest.

I give and bequeath to my six first named executors £1000 sterling to be invested in the public stocks or funds or on real securities in Great Britain for the benefit of Hugh Middleton another of my reputed children by the said Ann Middleton at present with a saddler at Newcastle upon Tyne the interest dividends and income or so much as may be requisite to be paid to and received by him or applied for his benefit during his minority and the principal to be paid to him at his age of 21 years together with all accumulations which may arise from the investment of the surplus interest....

I give and bequeath to Ann Middleton the mother of my said last mentioned six reputed children at present resident in Jamaica £500 sterling for ehr own use and benefit.

To my nephew John Robertson the only son of my sister Elizabeth Robertson deceased £10,000 sterling.

To Thomas Elliott of Ffenchurch Street London Durggust £1,000 sterling exclusive of any debt he may owe me at my death.

To my friend the said Charles Samson as a mark of my regard £1,000 sterling.

My executors to purchase an annuity of £60 per annum in Government annuities in the name of and for the benefit of my black man servant George Dunlop during his life...

I do hereby subject and charge all my real Estates in Engalnd and in the West Indies or elsewhere with the payment of the several legacies and sums of money herein before given and bequeathed either in grofs or to be invested as aforesaid.

All the residue and remainder in four equal parts: three to my brothers Robert Bogle, Andrew Bogle and Hugh Bogle their heirs, executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common. The fourth part to my six first named executors upon trust for my sister Helen the wife of the said John Hamilton and in case of her death then the interest and dividends shall be paid to the said John Hamilton for the term of his natural life and immediately after his decease then in trust unto and amongst her children.

Dated 29/10/1813.

Codicil also dated 29/10/1813 reiterating that the legacies and annuities be paid out of my residuary estate so that the legatees and annuitants may receive the provision I intend for them free from deduction. One years wages to be paid to each of the servants that shall be living with me at the time of my death.

Will proved in London 18/12/1813.

Merchant and plantation owner

Associated Estates (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - 1829 [LA] → Previous owner
1810 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Joint owner
- 1813 [EY] → Owner
1826 [EA] - → Previous owner

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Atkinson, Mure & Bogle
West India merchant  

Relationships (15)

Brother → Sister
Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew
Testator → Executor
Father → Natural Daughter
Father-in-law → Son-in-law
Notes →
John Smellie married George Bogle's [natural] daughter Grace in...
Father → Natural Daughter

Addresses (3)

Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Central Scotland, Scotland
Effingham, Surrey, South-east England, England
Burlington Street, London, Middlesex, London, England