
Mary Chambers Campbell

1813 - ????

Claimant or beneficiary


Mary C. Campbell, age 10, "white by law" was living in Lucea in the Hanover census of 1823. Very likely the sister of Mary Mcfarlane Campbell age 12 and Sarah D. Campbell, age 6, both also "white by law" in Lucea at the same time, and also the brother of Robert Campbell (baptised in Hanover in 1812). No baptism has been found for Mary Chambers Campbell but Robert Campbell (1812) and Mary McFarlane Campbell (1814) were both given as the children of Sarah Malcolm, a "free quadroon" in the parish registers.

Five enslaved people were registered in the possession of Mary Chambers Campbell as owner by Alexander Campbell her natural guardian in Hanover in 1829.


'A Census of the White & Brown inhabitants & other Persons of Free Condition of the Parish of Hanover distinguishing their Sexes, Colour, Ages and places of Residence' transcribed at ; Familysearch.org, unindexed Jamaican parish registers, Hanover, Baptisms, marriages, burials 1725-1839 pp. 139,143.

71/194 [unpaginated].

Associated Claims (1)

£156 15s 5d

Relationships (3)

Natural Daughter → Mother