

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Faculty of Laws


Christopher Floyd

Honorary Professor of Practice



Member of the Bar of England and Wales specializing in IP from 1975-2007

Judge of the High Court (Chancery Division) 2007-2013

Judge in Charge of the Patents Court (2011-2013)

External Member Enlarged Board of Appeal, European Patent Office (2011-2013)

Lord Justice of Appeal (2013-2021)

Supervising Lord Justice for Intellectual Property (2019-2021)

Court of Appeal Judge (fee-paid) sitting in retirement 2021-

The Rt Hon Sir Christopher David Floyd taught the EPO courses for judges on Infringement Proceedings and Patentability in 2022 and 2023.

  1. Interlocutory Injunctions Since ‘Cyanamid’ [1983] 9 EIPR 238-242.
  2. Euro-Oppositions, A Better Procedure? [1985] 12 EIPR 337.
  3. Novelty under the Patents Act 1977, The State of the Art after ‘Merrell Dow’ (Herchel Smith Lecture 1996) [1996] 9 European Intellectual Property Review 480-486.
  4. Can an English Court Restrain Infringement of a Foreign Patent? (with Iain Purvis) [1995] 17(3) European Intellectual Property Review 110-115.
  5. The Conduct of a Patent Trial from the perspective of Practice in the US, UK and Canada (with Judge Marshall Rothstein, James F Holderman and Kathryn Pickard) in The Common Law of Intellectual Property – Essays in honour of Professor David Vaver (ed Catherine W. Ng, Lionel Bently, Giuseppina D’Agostino) Hart Publishing 2010.
  6. What has Intellectual Property done for the Law? (Herchel Smith Lecture 2013) 2014 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property Vol 4 No 2 106-117.
  7. IP in the Pharmaceutical Sector in the UK in Competition and Patent Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector (ed Giovanni Pitruzzella, Ganriella Muscolo) Wolters Kluwer 2016.
  8. Plausibility: where from and where to? in a collection of essays in honour of Judge Peter Meier-Beck of the German Federal Supreme Court, GRUR 2021.
  9. A Practitioner’s Guide to the UPC (Hart 2022) Contributor
Lectures and seminars (last two years)
  1. Common Law Remedies for Infringement, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University: Keynote Speech, Shanghai, November 2018.
  2. Fact-finding in Patent Infringement Cases, Munich International Patent Law Conference organised by the Technical University, Munich and the EPO, Munich, June 2019.
  3. Plausibility and Swiss claims, EPO Expert Workshop, Munich, July 2019.
  4. Refresher on Plausibility, European Patent Judges' Forum, Venice, October 2019.
  5. Patents and the Internet of Things Tokyo University/¹û¶³Ó°ÔºJudges' Panel, Tokyo, November 2019:
  6. Injunctions and Anti-suit Injunctions, and Panels on (1) FRAND and (2) Recent Developments in IP in the UK, International Seminar on Judicial Enforcement of Intellectual Property, Challenges and Responses, Renmin University, Beijing, January 2020.
  7. Common General Knowledge European Judges Virtual Forum, September 2020.
  8. Judges’ Panel John Marshall University, Chicago Annual IP Conference, November 2020.
  9. Frand Litigation European Patent Lawyers’ Association Annual Conference, December 2020.
  10. Global IP Round-Table Fordham University, December 2020.
  11. Perspectives on Patent Adjudication Federal Circuit Bar Association Global Series conference, Amsterdam, October 2022.