
UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium

6th Conference

>> >> >> MCC-2023
Local Conference Organisers: Georgia, Tom and Alin

Invited Speakers

Materials Modelling using Tera and Petascale Computing

Daresbury 2023

Call for Abstracts:

Deadline: Monday 29th May 2023

To submit an abstract for a talk or poster please use the appropriate template given below. Do not change the style (update Title, Name of presenter and co-authors, Department and University, abc code, and Abstract text) and please stick to one page. After completing send to klmc.mcc@ucl.ac.uk as a Word attachment with the subject title "talk only", "poster only" or "talk or poster".

Biomaterials and Soft Matter

Enviromental and Nuclear Materials

Novel Algorithms for Materials Modelling

Energy Generation, Storage and Transport

Materials Discovery

Reactivity and Catalysis

Fundamentals of Nanomaterials

Fundamentals of Surfaces and Interfaces

Fundamentals of Bulk Materials

This page last modified
27 June, 2023