

Joint Research Office


NIHR mentoring programme opened to all professions

3 March 2021

The NIHR Academy mentoring programme for postdoctoral academy members is now open to all professions and disciplines at post-doctoral level.

Feedback from a consultation exercise by the academy in 2020 indicated that it was at this key transition stage where mentorship external to Academy members’ local institution would be most beneficial.  

The NIHR Academy mentoring programme, building on the high quality programme previously delivered with the Academy of Medical Sciences for those on a medical or dental career pathway,  supports the academic and career development of postdoctoral communities, by:

  • promoting interdisciplinarity; mentors and mentees will be encouraged to consider seeking a mentor from a cognate or complementary discipline or professional background, where appropriate
  • supporting mentoring relationships between individuals from different organisations and institutions 
  • promoting equality, inclusion and diversity through engagement with, and learning from, under-represented groups
  • extending the NIHR Academy mentoring offer to postdoctoral award holders from disciplines and professional backgrounds which may not have a strong mentoring tradition, or may not have had access to programmes such as this in the past

You can find more information about the programme on the ,