

Joint Research Office


DeNDRoN expands training programme

30 April 2012

North Thames Dementia and Neurodegenerative Disease Research Network (DeNDRoN ) is expanding its training programme for 2012/13 with the help of CEL CLRN funding for workforce development.

The programme, which includes multiple dates for courses, begins with Advanced Essential Skills for Research Nurses on 28 May 2012.

Other courses this year include: Understanding Essential Documents (18 June), Good Clinical Practice (10 July) and Informed Consent (12 September).

Training is free of charge for research staff working on DeNDRoN portfolio studies and the network will gradually be expanding its catchment to include other networks. So researchers are welcome to pass this information people in other networks who might be interested.

Procedure for booking is slightly different from previous years.

For more information contact (ntdendron.admin@candi.nhs.uk)