

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science



A phased but integrated approach. The PRIME Project started on 1 May 2014 and its research activities will take place over 3 years.

The sequential phases of the workplan are as follows:


Carry out the analysis necessary to identify the contextual factors which may impact the selection, design, adoption and/or implementation of counter-measures to defend against lone actor extremism, establish the data requirements necessary to produce a cross-level model of these events, and develop the formal scripting approach. Work carried out in the first phase will ensure that the empirical work to take place in the next phase proceeds from a systematic, formalised, and clear conceptual and methodological basis, suited to the project's aims and objectives.


Create cross-level subscripts for each event stage (radicalisation, preparation, attack) from appropriately collected data, integrate the subscripts into a single event model, and identify categories of intervention points or 'pinch points', where intervention has the potential to disrupt lone actor extremist events. The work carried out in the second phase will ensure that the development of requirements in the next phase proceeds from a robust, empirically-supported, valid event model and a set of transparently-derived intervention points.


Review existing counter- and communication measures against lone actor extremism, formulate requirements for new or refined measures based on the categories of 'pinch points' previously identified, and validate the requirements portfolio. The work carried out in the third phase will ensure the project delivers a clear set of measure requirements, informed by an empirical model of the problem to be addressed and relevant contextual factors, formulated in such a way as to be easily conveyed to end-users.


Disseminate the project's scientific outputs to interested parties and promote the adoption of the script-based methodology and counter-measure requirements among stakeholders. The work carried out in the fourth and last phase will ensure that the findings and outputs of the PRIME project are widely disseminated, to all interested parties, in a manner which will support and encourage understanding and adoption. The project will make specific provision to provide end-users with training in the operation of key deliverables (the scripts and counter-measure and communication requirements).