

International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre




Mr Ivan聽Ze膷evi膰
Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dr. Ivan Barbot, Popova膷a, Croatia

CST Provision

Ivan completed his CST training in London in April 2019. He is currently providing psychoeducation on CST to people with dementia, carers and family members under the Association Holos,聽focusing on how the principles of CST can be applied in the home setting. Ivan is also applying CST work to people who have other neurological conditions including progressive brain damage caused by epilespy as part of his work in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dr. Ivan Barbot.

CST Research

Research to evaluate the efficacy of CST for people who have HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is planned but currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. Future research is also planned for evaluating CST for frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other neurological conditions including multiple sclerosis.

CST Publications

CST work in Croatia began in 2020 and, as such, there are no arising publications yet. Articles reporting on CST research are planned for the future.

Conference Presentations

  • Terapija kognitivnom stimulacijom za lije膷enje Alzheimerove bolesti. Ze膷evi膰 (2021) Neurologia Croatica