

Division of Infection and Immunity


Industry & other endorsed projects

Industry projects

Industry partners are encouraged to approach any member(s) of the Precision AMR team and facilities to discuss research activities and how we will best support research. 

Please contact facilities directly (contact details can be found on the infrastructure page) or the lead investigator Professor Judith Breuer (j.breuer@ucl.ac.uk), or project manager Charlene Murphy (charlene.murphy@ucl.ac.uk).

Endorsed projects

Priority for access to expertise and facilities will be given to any projects which aim to tackle the barriers faced in AMR research. Investigators are asked to contact Charlene Murphy (charlene.murphy@ucl.ac.uk) directly, so that projects may be reviewed by the Precision AMR Science Committee and badged as endorsed. These projects may be eligible for subsidised costs for use of the facilities.Â