

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Human Resources


¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Appraisal, Review and Development Scheme


Scope and purpose of the scheme

1.ÌýThis scheme applies to all staff once they have satisfactorily completed their probationÌýperiod. For staff not subject to probation, objectives should be set within the first three months of appointment to commence the Appraisal cycle. Professorial staff (grade 10, academics) should use the information in this scheme in conjunction with the Professorial Appraisal Review guidance on how to complete an online appraisal within .Ìý

2. ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's commitment to regular appraisal is founded on the belief that all members ofÌýstaff have a right to a clear understanding of their department's expectations of them, an opportunity for a detailed discussion of their contribution to the achievement of departmental and institutional goals and to feel valued. Appraisal is designed to facilitate effective two-way communication and is a key mechanism for identifying training and development needs and ensuring that they are met.

3. The Appraisal Review and Development Scheme (hereafter referred to as appraisal)Ìýaims to:

  • enhance the work of the department and the success of ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº through assisting individuals to develop to their full potential;
  • identify strengths and development needs and enable discussion of career aspirations;
  • ensure regular discussion of an individual's progress against aims and objectives;
  • enhance communication within departments;
  • review and meet the developmental needs of staff in line with the ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Ways of Working;
  • inform professorial salary review.

4.ÌýStaff review should also reinforce awareness ofÌý¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's equality, diversity and inclusionÌý(EDI) policies and staff responsibilities in relation to these. Consideration of how EDI issues can be central to the planning, development, implementation, monitoring and review of both the work of the department and the individual member of staff should be built into the process. It should acknowledge the contribution staff have made through service on ¹û¶³Ó°Ôºâ€™s EDI networks and advisory groups as a key enabling activity to encourage personal development outside the parameters of their job role. The ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºÌýWays of WorkingÌýshould also be reinforced during this meeting for employees in professional services.Ìý

5.ÌýThere are separate procedures that determine pay for staff in grades 1 to 9, grading or promotion, and for discipline and capability.

Frequency and timing of the review

6.ÌýAll staff appraisals should be conducted on an annual basis.The appraisal season runs from January to April and should be adopted across the institution, whereÌýpossible.Ìý

7.ÌýIt is the responsibility of the Head of Department (HoD) to ensure that all staff in their department are reviewed in line with this scheme. The HoDs are listed on the webpages ‘Heads of academic departments’ and ‘Professional Services – Directors’.Ìý The first review will take place no later than 6 months following the satisfactory completion of probation with objectives that are achievable by the next appraisal cycle, which runs from Jan – April. HoDs should agree on objectives with newly appointed academic staff who are not subject to a probationary period within the first three months of appointment to start the appraisal cycle. The Appraiser and Appraisee should agree on a mutually convenient time to meet, such that both parties have sufficient time to prepare for the meeting.

8.ÌýStaff transferring to a position in another ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº department should have an outgoing appraisal review prior to starting the new position. The appraisal must be recorded by the manager inÌýMyHR.Ìý


9.ÌýAcademic staff will be reviewed either by the HoD or another senior member of the department appointed by the HoD. The Dean will review HoDs and the appropriate Vice-Provost will review Deans. Exceptionally, a member of academic staff may question the appointment of their Appraiser if they feel that the choice of Appraiser is inappropriate or that they are insufficiently aware of their work. Where appropriate, the Dean or Vice-ProvostÌýwill identify an alternative Appraiser in consultation with the Head of HR.

10.ÌýThe HoD will determine which staff undertake the role of Appraiser. Normally non-academic staff will be reviewed by the manager to whom they report and who assigns and is accountable for their work. Appraisers will not normally review more than 9 members of staff in any one year and therefore the HoD may nominate alternative Appraisers. Before holding an appraisal meeting with a member of staff, HoDs wishing to review a larger number of staff should discuss their plans with the Dean or Vice-Provost, who can seek advice from the Head of HR. The HoD and/or Head of Section should see all completed review forms for staff in their Department/Division/Section, regardless of whether they are the Appraiser.

11.ÌýAppraisers should familiarise themselves with ¹û¶³Ó°Ôºâ€™s Disability equality guidance.

The review process

12. The review process is most beneficial when it generates an open and honest jointÌýreview of past achievements, future goals and the assistance and support needed to achieve them.Ìý


13.ÌýPrior to a round of staff review meetings, the HoDÌýshould ensure thatÌýall Appraisers have been trained and are aware of any departmental plans, objectives and priorities for the review period that will affect staff. Thorough preparation by both Appraiser and Appraisee is very important. Sufficient time should be set aside for the meeting and the Appraiser should ensure that a suitable room is available, which offers privacy and freedom from interruption.

14.ÌýAcademic staff at ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº already have clear routes to promotion via assessment against expected criteria set out in the Academic Careers Framework. The Academic Careers Framework is used by all academic, research and teaching staff, allowing staff to build a case based on a range of areas of academic and university life.ÌýAspiration for promotion is discussed as a matter of course in annual appraisal, with a review of trajectory against the Academic Careers Framework and discussion around further development. Professorial staff and their managers will use theÌýProfessorial Appraisal Review guidance to complete their appraisals online withÌý.Ìý

15.ÌýFor those not using the PAR, there are 2 different review documents available, one for professional services staff and another for teaching, research and academic staff. Part AÌýof the review document is designed to facilitateÌýpreparation for the review meeting and is to be completed by the Appraisee and submitted to the Appraiser a week before the review meeting is due to take place. In completing the form Appraisees should consider the key tasks successfully undertaken since the last review (in light of the aims and objectives for that period), their strengths and any new skills they might need in the context of the challenges likely to be encountered in the coming year. TheÌý¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Ways ofÌýWorkingÌýshouldÌýbe used in discussion relating to strengths and requirements in relation to behaviours.

16.ÌýAcademic, research and teaching staff should consider the skills they need to developÌýin light of ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº strategy. They should also consider whether the support, training and development that has been provided by their manager or colleagues has enabled them to do their job effectively, and any general points they would like to discuss that they feel would lead to enhanced efficiency.

17.ÌýThe review document should be accompanied by a current job description orÌýlist of responsibilities and a summary of any significant changes to the individual's CV that have occurred since the last review. Many Appraisers find it helpful to meet briefly with the Appraisee when the first part of the document has been completed, to ensure that both parties are clear of the purpose of the review and the range of issues that will be discussed.

18.ÌýBefore the meeting, the Appraiser should readÌýPart A of the review document andÌýaccompanying paperwork. They should also consider the individual's achievements and contributions to the work of the department since the last review, their strengths and any new skills they might need in light of their likely range of objectives for the review period.

Review discussion

19.ÌýThe discussion should include any changes to the individual's job (either over the last year or foreseen in the coming year) and a review of workloads and working arrangements. The Appraiser and Appraisee should be mindful of ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's policy onÌýManaging Stress at WorkÌýand should ensure that any areas of unacceptable stress are identified. The discussion should also cover any working practices within the department, Faculty or ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº that have affected the work and effectiveness of the Appraisee. The Appraisee's career aspirations should inform the discussion and academic staff may wish to confirm the details of any aspirations for sabbatical leave.

20. The review discussion should centre on the work of the Appraisee in light of theirÌýmajor responsibilities over the review period. Progress against objectives set at the last review should be examined and if objectives have not been met or have changed, the reason for this should be discussed. If this is the first meeting after the successful completion of probation, written objectives may not already be in existence. Goals for the forthcoming review period should then be discussed and agreed.

21.ÌýConsider the goal setting guidance to ensure goals are relevant to the postholder's work and achievable within an agreed period. It is acknowledged that due to changed circumstances or priorities objectives may change within the review period. In particular, research objectives may change within the review period, or the research direction may change as the research progresses. Objectives should be updated, in discussion and agreement between manager and employee, at the time the change occurs.

22.ÌýThe review discussion should also consider the Appraisee's career aspirations andÌýfuture plans such as undertaking professional or educational courses or taking sabbatical leave (academic staff only).ÌýWhere staff express an interest in attending training, they may wish to refer to the Learning Academy portfolio or the Career Support Opportunities. It may be helpful for Appraisers to raise awareness of relevant career development opportunities in the department and faculty/ division including new projects and secondmentÌýopportunities. When discussing future plans, it may be appropriate to discuss retirement. Staff may voluntarily retire at a time of their choice and are encouraged to discuss retirement plans as early as possible with their manager to aid future planning. It may be helpful to discuss gradual or full retirement options includingÌýpart-time working, flexible working,ÌýflexibleÌýretirement,Ìýearly retirement orÌýnormal retirement.ÌýSome staff may not want to discuss retirement and Appraisers should be respectful of these wishes.

23. It is important to ensure that the meeting closes with both parties having a mutualÌýunderstanding of what needs to be done in the review period, by whom and any follow-up action that is required.


24.ÌýPart BÌýof the review document should be completed within 10 working days of theÌýmeeting and should summarise the content of the discussion and record the objectives that have been agreed. Any action that needs to be undertaken by the line manager or others in the department to facilitate the successful completion of an objective should also be noted. Both Appraiser and Appraisee should sign the record of the review meeting of the review document), and each will retain a copy. For professors using the MyAppraisal system,Ìýthis will be an electronic sign-off.

25.ÌýThe review document should be completed by the Appraiser to record anyÌýtraining or development needs required to enable achievement of agreed objectives. Expectations relating to behaviours should relate to theÌý¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Ways of Working.ÌýTheÌý¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Ways of Working Steps to Development signpost appropriate development responses to identified behavioural needs.

The purpose of recording training and development needs is to commit the department, the individual and ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's training providers to working together (where appropriate), identifying appropriate training and development activity, and arranging attendance. Information about training needs across ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº enables these units to plan their training programme accordingly. Staff wishing to request financial assistance for part-time study for degrees, vocational or professional qualifications should identify their intentions in the course of staff review discussions.

After completion by the Appraiser, both the Appraiser and Appraisee should retain a copy and use it to identify appropriate training and development activities. A record of the appraisal review should be recorded by either the relevant line manager or a nominated administrator usingÌýÌýMyHR. Step-by-step instructions are found in the, under MyHRÌýManager Self ServiceÌý– My team employment information - ‘’. Ìý

This form should not be sent to OD, but retained locally and used as the basis for discussion and agreement as to how identified training and development needs are prioritised and addressed.

26.ÌýThe Appraisal Review form is strictly confidential and must be stored securely withinÌýthe Department. It should be accessible only to the Appraiser, the Appraisee, the HoD or their nominee where they are not the Appraiser. The whole report must be available to the Appraiser and Appraisee for the individual's next review. The MyAppraisalÌýsystemÌýallows those within the appraisee's management chain to access data on their achievements, contributions and progress against objectives so it can inform annualÌýsalary review.


27.ÌýIt is essential that follow-up action identified in the review meeting is carried out. It is strongly recommended that the appraisal document is reviewed at least 3-4 months after the initial appraisal meeting as this provides an opportunity to discuss progress, assess any additional support needs, or adjust goals in line with any changes in work.ÌýAppraisers are encouraged to meet Appraisees informally throughoutÌýthe year to discuss progress against objectives and the outcome of training and development activity, as appropriate.

28.ÌýFollowing the review cycle, Heads of Department/Division should ideally meet with theÌýAppraisers in their department and, while not discussing individual cases, should consider any broad issues raised within the review process. In this discussion, the Head of Department /Division should discuss with Appraisers the department/division's progress. TheÌý¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Ways of WorkingÌýshould be used in discussions relating to behaviours.

29. This may identify departmental training needs that could be addressed by Organisational Development. It is the Head of Department/Division's responsibility to put a mechanism in place that ensures that training needs identified through staff review are followed up. The Head should also agree the priority of the different training needs identified.ÌýOrganisational DevelopmentÌýis available to offer advice.

30.ÌýIn the event of a disagreement over the content of the reviewÌýdocumentation, which cannot be resolved by the Appraisee and Appraiser, the Appraisee should raise their concerns in writing with the Appraiser's line manager within 10 working days of the receipt of the completed review document. The Request to Review Appraisal Process form should be used for that purpose. Concerns raised about a review undertaken by the HoD will be considered by the Dean. Concerns raised about a review undertaken by HoD, who is not in a Faculty, will be considered by the appropriate Vice-President or Vice-Provost (VP). The Appraiser's line manager/Dean/VP will meet with the Appraiser and Appraisee to consider the concerns raised and will then advise the Appraisee of their decision in writing, as soon as possible.

Monitoring of the policy

31.ÌýIt is the responsibility of Heads of Departments/Divisions to ensure that the policy isÌýimplemented. The Chief People Officer will inform the Provost, VP, Dean or HoD (as appropriate) in cases where reviews are not carried out in accordance with this policy. Anonymised, aggregated, monitoring data in relation to the staff review process will be reported annually by HR to the People and Culture Committee by ethnicity, sex and disability.

Links to other policies

32.ÌýThe Appraisal Review and Development Scheme is not linked to procedures that determine pay, grading or promotion, for which ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº has separate arrangements, although staff may choose to discuss their aspirations for promotion and career development with their Appraiser. Concerns regarding conduct, performance or training needs identified between review meetings should be discussed when they are identified and should not be left for discussion at the next review session. The Appraisal Review and Development Scheme should not be used to address matters that fall within the remit of the Disciplinary Procedure or the Capability Policy.

33. It is recommended that staff have an opportunity to review any changes or developments to their role. If this amounts to a significant change and the current job description no longer reflects what is required, further advice should be sought from the HR Business Partner. For Professional Services jobs, this may require a grading review.

34. If a member of Academic staff feels that their work allocation requires review, they should raise the matter with their Head of Department. ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº has a policy on Managing Stress at Work and all Appraisers must be aware of the content of that policy before undertaking a review. In line with ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº's commitment to equality of opportunity, this policy will be applied equitably to all staff to whom it applies.ÌýÌý


HRÌýEmployment Policy Team
