

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Institute of Health Informatics


Rob Aldridge on Work Life Balance

11 October 2019

Rob Aldridge is an Associate Professor at the ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº IHI uses data and digital technologies to investigate and improve the health of the public. He shared with us his three key things that help him maintain a good work life balance.

Rob Aldridge

has broad research interests, but he has a particular focus on making invisible populations visible by establishing the burden of disease in migrants, homeless, prisoners, sex workers and individuals with substance use disorders. Rob has validated methods to link and analyse large health and social care datasets to evaluate public health interventions targeted at these populations. Rob also has a keen interest in the development and testing of new interventions, including a recent randomised controlled trial of a mobile phone app to improve treatment outcomes for people with experience of homelessness who have tuberculosis. 

Rob also manages to maintain a great work life balance so we asked him how:

A couple of things that I do:

  • I cycle to work every day and if I work at home I either swim or go for a walk as I find exercise is a really important way for helping me relax. 
  • I don't often have more than a quick lunch, but I have a major coffee addiction and love catching up with people over a decent espresso. I try to make a point of leaving the building to go to one of the better coffee shops in Bloomsbury for a bit of a walk and chat with someone on the way. 
  • I'm terrible at saying no to thing because I'm genuinely curious about our research. So this is still work in progress, but having to leave at 5pm on the dot to pick my kids up has focused my attention on this area and I'm gradually starting to get a bit better!Â