

Institute for Global Health


Many Strong Voices

Many Strong Voices bringingÌýtogether the peoples of the Arctic and Small Island Developing States to meet the challenges of climate change including healthÌý


Project Summary

Many Strong Voices promotes the well-being, security, andÌýsustainability of coastal communities in the Small Island DevelopingÌýStates (SIDS) and Arctic by bringing these regions together to addressÌýclimate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster risk reduction.

MSV is a vehicle for partners to share their experiences and lessonsÌýlearned - with each other and the world. MSV functions a consortiumÌýof partners who collaborate and volunteer their time and expertise, andÌýwho in turn receive support through the project. GRID-ArendalÌýfacilitates MSV.

Lessons learned through MSV help support policyÌýdevelopment at local, regional, and international levels. They provideÌýdecision-makers in the two regions with the knowledge to safeguardÌýand strengthen vulnerable social, economic, and natural systems.