
ӰԺ Department of Geography


Online exhibition launched by student collective Urban Miscellanea

11 January 2022

“States of Apprehension” features contributions from ӰԺ Geography students at all levels

Online exhibition launched by student collective Urban Miscellanea

Urban Miscellanea, a collective of students from the MSc Urban Studies course, have curated and launched an online exhibition entitled States of Apprehension.

The student-led anthology project encourages people to produce creative works of any kind which explore urban life through the lens of a chosen annual theme, this year around themes of urban emergency.

The exhibition, designed in collaboration with Berlin-based BNSL Studio, features contributions from ӰԺ Geography students at undergraduate, Masters and PhD-level across a variety of artistic mediums including art, photography, poetry and music.

The launch was accompanied by an event at Chiswick House that featured a live performance from second-year geographer Sadia Munye, whose song “Hanging On” features in the exhibition.

Other contributions from ӰԺ Geography students include “Baby” by Emilia Weber (PhD)Ի“The Descent from Rupperather Berg” by Alexander Salem (MSc Urban Studies), while Nikos Akritidis (MSc Urban Studies) wrote the introductory curatorial essay.

Dr Andrew Harris, convenor of MSc Urban Studies said: “This is an amazing student-led multi-media creative anthology and I cannot recommend it enough.

“Catalysed out of the unprecedented challenges of last year, this new initiative has proved brilliantly miscellaneous, conjuring all sorts of connections and possibilities out of the topic of emergency that would ordinarily close these down.”

Urban Miscellanea are currently open for submissions for next year’s anthology, which will take the form of a physical and digital zine with the potential for a launch exhibition. If you are interested in contributing, fill in the  by 31st January 2022.

Please note that the exhibition should be viewed via a laptop or desktop computer rather than a mobile device and can take a little time to load.

For more information, see Urban Miscellanea's, Ի, or contact us at urbanmiscellanea@outlook.com.

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