

Office of the President and Provost (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)


B-MEntor Academic Mentoring Scheme

B-MEntor is a cross-institutional mentoring scheme for Black, Asian, Mixed and minority ethnic (BAME) academics and researchers.

Am I eligible to be a mentee?

Mentees: Mentees should self-identify being from a Black, Asian, Mixed and Minority Ethnic background, as this is where the evidence of under-representation exists. You will be from Post-doc to Lecturer level.

Am I eligible to be a mentor?

Mentors: can be from any ethnic background and must be at Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor/Reader or Professorial level.

What does it involve?

Mentoring is based on exchanging experiences, ideas and feedback between the two parties. It helps to promote understanding of formal and informal structures, enhances opportunities for staff to develop and build skills/knowledge, and enables continuing professional development and personal growth.

The mentoring period will be approximately one year, and a training and support package is offered for all parties. The selection and matching of mentors and mentees will take place from late January 2024.

The programme will also include:

  • Compulsory induction training session
  • At least six one-to-one mentoring sessions
  • End of year celebration social event in June
What are the benefits for staff?

Mentors can:

  • Gain fulfilment from facilitating personal development and encouraging others
  • Network with like-minded colleagues
  • Assist others along a path on which you have already been successful
  • Advance equality and diversity in higher education 
  • Enhance skills such as coaching and constructive criticism.

Mentees can:

  • Obtain career advice and direction
  • Receive help with identifying and clarifying issues, problems and obstacles
  • Source new ideas and practices 
  • Gain the opportunity for networking across a broader spectrum than provided by the day-to-day environment.
Why is there a scheme just for BAME staff?

BAME staff are significantly under-represented at senior levels in all our institutions and this scheme will help address these inequalities by:

  • Ensuring staff from BAME backgrounds are supported to reach their potential
  • Helping to advance the careers of BAME staff sharing information outside the usual networks and encouraging applications for promotion to senior positions
  • Reducing feelings of isolation for staff who do not work in ethnically-diverse areas

To qualify for the scheme, you must identify as Black, Asian, Mixed and ‘other’ ethnic background of colour. This includes visible minorities and excludes those who identify as 'white other'.


Common questions asked by mentees and mentors have been answered.

Mandatory training

Mentees and Mentors must attend the mandatory online training before they can be matched.


Applications for 2023-24 have now closed.
If you would like to join our waiting list for 2024-25, please email b-mentor@ucl.ac.uk and we will send you a notification when we open for applications.

Partner institutes

The following universities are partners in this mentoring scheme:

  • ¹û¶³Ó°ÔºÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â                       
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • King’s College London
  • University of the Arts London 
  • St George's, University of London
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)   

Further information

If you would like more information, please contact: b-mentor@ucl.ac.uk

You can find information about the B-MEntor Professional Mentoring Scheme here
You can find information about the B-Mentor PGR Scheme here