
Grammar Practice KS2

Available for: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The Android version is coming soon.

Welcome to the support page for Grammar Practice KS2.

Grammar Practice Key Stage 2 (GP KS2) is an app dedicated to a single task: helping Year 6 primary school children prepare for the Key Stage 2 test in English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling that they must sit at the end of their primary education.

GP KS2 includes:

  • Fifty interactive exercises designed to reproduce the types of question that may come up in the actual test.
  • An extensive glossary of grammatical terms, including both the non-statutory UK National Curriculum grammar glossary and our own explanations.

If you have any problems installing or running the GP KS2 App please let us know.

Email us by clicking on the Contact Us! button.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • GP KS2 does not start up / crashes / stops. What should I do?
  • Please Contact Us! so we can try to find out what has gone wrong. Tell us what you were doing when it appeared to go wrong. We may contact you for more information.
  • GP KS2 is for iOS 6.0 and above, has been extensively tested by us and has been reviewed by Apple.
  • Does GP KS2 access the internet?
  • No. Once it is downloaded it makes no demands on your internet connection. See also our privacy policy.
  • Does GP KS2 make any other technical demands on the device?
  • No. With the obvious exceptions of sound, vision, orientation and vibration, it does not access the device hardware.


  • Who is GP KS2 designed for?
  • GP KS2 is designed for Year 6 Primary school children who are tested on the UK National Curriculum Key Stage 2 test. These children will mostly be in UK primary schools, and the app uses British English spellings throughout, as you might expect.
  • Parents of school children in this position will also benefit from the app.
  • How is ESP used?
  • It contains fifty interactive exercises that you can use to review what you've learned in class, most importantly, to practice your ability to answer the kind of questions that will come up in the official test.

Contact Us!

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.