



Family Event: My Micrarium Masterpiece

Family event
Grant Museum of Zoology
30th Jul 2022
10:00  - 13:00
Free event

My Micrariam masterpiece

10am - 11am: Family Members only (free but booking essential)

11am - 1pm: Free drop-in for all

In this playful workshop for younger visitors, children can take a closer look at the specimens in the Micrarium and use them as inspiration to design their own creature, or recreate their favourite sample.

This workshop, led by illustrator Lucia Vinti, will use translucent materials and a light box to recreate the appearance of the microscope slides. Children will create their artworks on acetate or tracing paper, using translucent marker pens and colourful cellophane to create their design. We will play with colours and layering, using the light box to see how colour and cellophane affect light.

Visitors can take their artworks home, complete with display label and a name for their brand new specimen.

If you would like to beat the crowds, the event opens at 10am for our Family Members and spaces must be booked in advance. From 11am, all are welcome to drop in.

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