

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Institute for Sustainable Resources


Reshma Gurung

Thesis title: Development strategies for e-mobility: a techno-economic approach

As fossil fuel sources become increasingly finite and unsustainable for both the economy and environment; the future development of the transport system looks towards alternative renewable sources and technology innovations such as the electrification of transportation to meet energy demands and reduce carbon emissions. With the increasing demand for transportation and pressures from climate change policies, governments are required to develop innovative solutions to achieve the carbon emission reduction goals without jeopardizing the economy. Therefore, a transition to a low carbon-based mobility model such as e-mobility is considered a key option in improving the environmental efficiency of the transport sector.

The shift from conventional forms of transport to a more electrical based mobility is not a smooth transition and largely depends on the complex web of actors and their ability to manage and organise multiple interconnections (FIA, 2011; Karkatsoulis et al., 2017). Actors including politicians, city planners, energy suppliers, car manufacturers, battery producers and especially consumers are required to co-operate in order to work towards electrifying transportation (FIA, 2011; Karkatsoulis et al., 2017). Therefore, technology innovations and policy support play a fundamental role in facilitating and supporting the successful shift to decarbonising transport.

The aim of this research is to assess the potential of e-mobility implementation by analysing country, regional and global scenarios on market development and technology innovation theories within the Environmental Global Applied General Equilibrium (ENGAGE) model of the ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº ISR. Additionally the research will include all relevant factors and data to provide a complete outlook on the transport system under different policy scenarios. The outcomes should provide policy makers with better insight and the necessary tools to improve development strategies in e-mobility.


Reshma completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Geography at the University of Leicester in 2016. The following academic year she returned to the university to complete a Master of Science degree in Environmental Informatics.Ìý

During her BSc years, she developed a strong interest in environmental issues, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and modelling. This was reflected in her BSc research thesis which focused on assessing the risk of fire ignition within the Pongo Pygmaeus habitat in the Borneo Rainforest from the analyses of GIS and remote sensing data in a Fire Threat Model.Ìý

In her master’s year, she further specialised in GIS, geographical visualisation and programming. She applied these skills during her master’s research thesis to determine suitable emergency shelter sites for Earthquakes using an interdisciplinary approach with a multitude of indicators, GIS and satellite imagery.Ìý

Pursuing her passion for research in environment challenges and resource economics, she is currently a PhD student at ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº.