

The Bartlett School of Planning


Office to residential housing: Dr Ben Clifford interviewed on BBC Radio 4

4 March 2019

In a follow-up to Dr Ben Clifford’s interview on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ on 16th August, Winifred Robinson speaks to Dr Clifford and explores his research further.

Ben Clifford and office to residential building

Dr. Ben Clifford was previously interviewed on ‘You and Yours’ in August when he discussed his research assessing the impacts of extending permitted development rights for office to residential conversion in England. Utilising an in-depth case study approach, the research sought to determine whether enhanced freedom to change the use of property has threatened the development of sustainable communities through the loss of public revenue and unwelcome externalities.

Winifred Robinson revisits the topic and spends a night in a 31 square metre micro apartment inside a converted office block in Croydon. Winifred gathers views from residents, Croydon’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, the Construction Director for Inspired Homes and Dr. Clifford.



‘You and Yours’ 1st March 2019:

‘You and Yours’ 16th August 2018:

‘Impact of extending development rights to office-to-residential change’ May 2018: