

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Esther Borkowski

Building performance simulation of control strategies for adaptive building envelopes

Funded by Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw)

Adaptive building envelopes can dynamically adapt to changes in the external environment, often supported by a control system. While building performance simulation (BPS) tools can be employed to test different design alternatives, representing control strategies within current BPS tools can be challenging. An example of these challenges is the modelling assumptions in current BPS tools that hinder proper modelling and prediction of the influence of control decisions on the dynamic performance of building envelopes. This is evident in the case of time step and state event handling of current BPS tools. EnergyPlus, for example, has a minimum time step of one minute and cannot handle state events, which hinders EnergyPlus’ ability to simulate models with a fast, dynamic response. To address this, a modelling approach for the analysis of control strategies for adaptive building envelopes is developed, which aims to establish an efficient methodological approach to link the simulation of thermal performance and control. Â