

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Working Paper - No. 79

Spatial Change and The Development Process


26 July 1996

Spatial Change and The Development Process: Markets and Agents In Office Development In Sáo Paulo In The Late 1980s

Authors: Magalhães, C.

Publication Date: 1996

In the recent past a number of changes have occurred in the spatial organisation of most national economies, with repercussions on the structure and operation of cities. Large cities in different parts of the world have been affected by similar processes of transformation, associated with changes in the structure of their economy which have meant a shift in jobs away from manufacturing and towards service activities (see, for instance, Friedmann 1986; Friedmann and Wolff 1982; Rolnik, Kowarik and Samekh 1990; Daniels 1991; Harris 1992; Polèse 1991; Sassen 1991; Lamelin et al. 1993).

Although the precise characteristics and the intensity of changes in the spatial organisation of those cities varied according to specific circumstances particular to each of them, a noticeable component in most cases was a considerable production of space destined to house an increasing service sector. 

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