

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


London habitat campaigns re-examined - audio podcasts from DPU event now online

12 December 2017

The DPU hosted representatives from community groups and civil society in an event that explored the role of international alliances for local action, with podcasts recordings of each speaker out now!

London habitat event

The DPU-hosted event 'London Habitat Campaigns Re-examined: Exploring the Role of International Alliances for Local Action' brought together representatives from community groups and civil society networks. The event aimed to explore how London civil society campaigns and advocacy activities can relate, support or draw from international housing and urban development campaigns. On the one hand the event triggered discussion about how international alliances can contribute to local campaigns, and on the other hand it explored how those international campaigns can be informed and shaped by some of the preoccupations and struggles going on in London.

We were delighted to welcome a fantastic panel, where we hosted Bernadette Harris from ; Mirca Morera and Sue Penny from ; Jacob Wills from ; Barbara Lipietz from DPU; and Lorena Zarate president of . The panel was hosted by DPU's Alexandre Apsan Frediani, who also gave an introduction to the event.

Speakers introduced their organisations’ recent activities and analysed their progress since the start of the term of Mayor Sadiq Khan. This was followed by comments from Lorena Zarate, president of the international civil society network Habitat International Coalition (HIC). Lorena has been an active leadership advocating for a human rights approach to international habitat and urban development agendas. Lorena spoke about the linkages between London based activities with international treaties, commitments and campaigns.

This discussion was particularly relevant at this moment in London as UN working group on business and human rights condemned the violations caused by the proposed redevelopment of the Seven Sisters Market by Grainger and Haringey Council (.

Podcasts from each of the speakers have been published on our , and can be heard below.




