

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Diyana Syafiqah Abd Razak

Cost of quality during construction post-handover

Research supervisors: Dr Grant Mills; Dr Aeli Roberts
Start date: 12 January 2015

The effective measurement of cost of quality has an important role to play in driving quality in the construction sector. While high cost of quality is seen as a global concern for individuals, organizations and nations; some Total Quality Management (TQM) systems do not incorporate consideration of the effective and efficient measurement of cost of quality (COQ). It is believed that the diversity of supply chain interactions contributes to high-incurred cost of failure, particularly for building owners in operation. There are only a handful of studies focused on external failure cost, with little consensus on its definition or measurement. This thesis explores and appraises the causes of, and potential solutions to, external failure cost. It suggests an improved COQ method that can be applied to incentivize the project supply chain. A single action research case study of a large infrastructure organization is used to develop an improved approach to measure the cost of quality and reduce quality failure costs

Publications and other works
  • Razak, D S A, Mills, G and Roberts, A (2016) External Failure Cost in Construction Supply Chains. In: P W Chan and C J Neilson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2016, Manchester, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Vol 2, 881-890.Â