

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Visualising Spatial Inequalities: GIS for Developing Countries

Short Title: Visualising Space inequalities. Sponsored by: DFID. End date: 01/01/2005

We are acquiring expertise in using spatial analysis to inform our understanding of patterns of urban and rural change in developing countries. A recent project for DFID with the Max Lock Centre at the University of Westminster has propelled us into this area.

You can download the powerpoint and brochure we have prepared by clicking on the adjacent links. In CASA, we have several projects involving analysis and modelling of urban and regional systems in Brazil and Thailand. We have also been involved in Tony Yeh's project at Hong Kong University in the Pearl River Delta which involves simulating urban growth using CA models; and with Yichun Xie at Eastern Michigan University on city size distributions in China.

Joana Barros is working with simulating the growth and upgrading of favela in Brazilian cities using agent based models, Sinesio Alves Junior is working on the geodemographics of Brazilian cities, particularly Sao Paolo using new methods for classifying rich and poor, Kampanart Piyathamrongchai is working on an integrated model of urban dynamics for the growth of Thai cities, and Chuthatip Achavasmit is working on integrating decision support systems in the Thai planning system.


Michael Batty
View Michael's profile

Sinesio Alves Junior

Elena Bessusi